This class was created by Brainscape user Faith Resendes. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Test 1
What is a first in class drug,
Are me too drugs or first in clas...,
What is a me too drug
148  cards
Clinical trials
Who conducts clinical trials,
Where are clinical trials conducted,
How can someone participate in a ...
31  cards
Drug Approval
What does health canada evaluate ...,
What happens if a drug is approve...,
What happens if a drug is denied ...
16  cards
Modern and Future Drug Discovery
What is gartner s hype cycle,
What are chemputers,
What is a receptor target
28  cards
What separates the drug from the poison
How can a drug be considered a drug,
What are some examples of drugs t...,
What attribute separates the drug...
13  cards
Why drug discovery needs you
What was the cost of a life chang...,
How does pharma decide the price ...,
What was the average price of a n...
48  cards
Drugs for obesity
What is type 2 diabetes,
What group of people seem to have...,
What are some major
42  cards
Biologics and Biosimilars
What are biologics,
What are biologics used for,
What are biologics composed of
41  cards
Gene therapy
What are gene therapy drugs,
How is gene therapy used in the eyes,
How was a clinical trial for gene...
15  cards
COVID-19 Vaccines and Drugs
What is the structure of sars cov 2,
Which human receptor does the spi...,
What happens once
39  cards
Personalized medicine
What is personalized medicine,
What is single nucleotide polymor...,
What is pharmacogenomics
22  cards
Drugs for mental health
What are some symptoms of major d...,
What are some predominantly centr...,
What are some central and periphe...
38  cards
Learning AI in drug development
What is machine learning,
What is machine learning used for,
What are some potential uses of a...
14  cards
What are some glp 1 receptor agon...,
What are clinicians being advised...,
Why is there a global shortage of...
21  cards

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drug final

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