This class was created by Brainscape user Manuel Tupas. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (56)

Path1.Mod1.a - Explore ML Workspace - Setting Up Your Workspace
Fives built in rbacs for controll...,
Sequence for creating an ml service,
Sequence for creating an ml service
7  cards
Path1.Mod1.b - Explore ML Workspace - Team Workspace Setups
Pros and cons for workspace per t...,
Pros and cons for workspace per t...,
Pros and cons for workspace per t...
9  cards
Path1.Mod1.c - Explore ML Workspace - Environment Setups
Pros and cons for workspace per t...,
Pros and cons for workspace per t...,
Pros and cons for workspace per t...
9  cards
Path1.Mod1.d - Explore ML Workspace - Regional Setups
Pros and cons for workspace per t...,
Pros and cons for workspace per t...,
Pros and cons for workspace per t...
9  cards
Path1.Mod1.e - Explore ML Workspace - Azure ML Resources and Assets
The three ml resources,
Ci cc ic acthe four compute resou...,
The two auto created datastores o...
8  cards
Path1.Mod1.f - Explore ML Workspace - MLModel Format
Difference between artifacts and ...,
Fl sithe mlmodel format used in m...,
Model flavors
12  cards
Path1.Mod1.g - Explore ML Workspace - Train Models in the Workspace
You know this from ai 900four opt...,
Ideal usage scenario for azure ml...,
Ideal usage scenario for automate...
9  cards
Path1.Mod1.h - Explore ML Workspace - Model Metrics and Evaluation
9  cards
Path1.Mod2.a - Explore Workspace Developer Tools - ML Studio
The three tools for azure ml,
The three tools for azure ml,
The three tools for azure ml
10  cards
Path1.Mod2.a - Explore Workspace Developer Tools - Azure ML with CLI
Advantages of using azure cli in ml,
What azure cli installation is ba...,
What azure cli installation is ba...
10  cards
Path1.Mod2.c - Explore Workspace Developer Tools - Python SDK
The command for installing the py...,
Python sdk the min version requir...,
Requirements for connecting to a ...
7  cards
Path2.Mod1.a - Make Data Available
B fs dlg1 dlg2four datastore types
13  cards
Path2.Mod1.b - Make Data Available - Creating Datastores
3 cli 3 pythonsix ways to create ...,
3 cli 3 pythonsix ways to create ...,
3 cli 3 pythonsix ways to create ...
11  cards
Path2.Mod1.c - Make Data Available - Creating Data Assets
3 cli 3 pythonsix ways to create ...,
3 cli 3 pythonsix ways to create ...,
Context for using an mltable data...
11  cards
Path3.Mod1.a - Automated Machine Learning - What is it?
General advantages of automl,
Automatedml advantages,
Six steps for designing and runni...
7  cards
Path3.Mod1.b - Automated Machine Learning - Featurization and Models
Differences between training data...,
Differences between training data...,
Feature engineering featurization...
9  cards
Path3.Mod1.c - Automated Machine Learning - Overfitting
How overfitting occurs,
Consider the following data model...,
Best practices for preventing ove...
7  cards
Path3.Mod1.d - Automated Machine Learning - Prep & Run an AutoML Experiment
Scaling and normalization must be...,
Scaling and normalization must be...,
Scaling and normalization must be...
11  cards
Path3.Mod1.e - Automated Machine Learning - Prep & Run AutoML Experiment Code
The relationship between a data a...,
The relationship between a data a...,
Explain what this code is doing f...
9  cards
Path3.Mod1.f - Automated Machine Learning - Evaluate and Compare Models In ML Studio
Ml studio automl experiment overv...,
Cb mfv hcfthree data guardrails a...,
Cb mfv hcfthree data guardrails a...
6  cards
Path3.Mod1.g - Automated Machine Learning - Metric Effects and Meanings
The primary differences between m...,
The primary differences between m...,
Selecting an evaluation metric fo...
9  cards
Path3.Mod1.h - Automated Machine Learning - Chart Analysis
Good vs bad confusion matrix,
Good vs bad roc curve,
Good vs bad precision recall curve
10  cards
Path4.Mod1.a - Training Models with Scripts - Run a Training Script as a Command Job
Three things to create a producti...,
C c e c d_n e_nparameters to conf...,
How to use parameters in your scr...
9  cards
Path4.Mod1.b - Training Models with Scripts - Specifying an Environment for a Command Job
We de cespecifying an environment...,
We de cespecifying an environment...,
We de cespecifying an environment...
7  cards
Path4.Mod2.a - Training Models with Scripts - Track Model Training with Jobs using MLFlow
Two options to track ml jobs with...,
Two options to track ml jobs with...,
Two options to track ml jobs with...
6  cards
Path4.Mod2.b - Training Models with Scripts - Code to support Model Tracking with Jobs using MLFlow
L_e s_rretrieve metrics with mlfl...,
L_e s_rretrieve metrics with mlfl...,
L_e s_rretrieve metrics with mlfl...
9  cards
Path4.Mod2.c - Training Models with Scripts - Code to support Experiment Tracking with Jobs using MLFlow
Benefits of tracking experiments,
Mlflow for tracking,
Prereqs for using mlflow
7  cards
Path4.Mod3.a - Perform Hyperparameter Tuning
The diff between parameters and h...,
Hyperparameter tuning general app...,
10  cards
Path4.Mod3.b - Perform Hyperparameter Tuning - Sweep Job Sampling Methods
Pros cons of grid sampling,
Pros cons of grid sampling,
Pros cons of grid sampling
10  cards
Path4.Mod3.c - Perform Hyperparameter Tuning - Sweep Job Early Termination
E_i d_e bp msp tsptwo parameters ...,
E_i d_e bp msp tsptwo parameters ...,
Bandit policy
8  cards
Path4.Mod3.d - Perform Hyperparameter Tuning - Sweep Job Implementation
Two things required for creating ...,
You must create an instance of th...,
Convert to a sweep job
9  cards
Path5.Mod1.a - Run Pipelines - Creating a Component
Creating and using components,
M i ccethree parts to a component,
Two files required to create a co...
8  cards
Path5.Mod1.b - Run Pipelines - Creating an Execute Python Script Component
Steps to implement the execute py...,
D1 d2 sb rd1 rd2the execute pytho...,
D1 d2 sb rd1 rd2the execute pytho...
8  cards
Path5.Mod1.c - Run Pipelines - Creating and Running a Pipeline Job
Pipelines run as while each compo...,
Library sdk 1 where pipeline live...,
Pipeline yaml files are created i...
7  cards
Path5.Mod1.d - Run Pipelines - Schedules and Triggers
Js rt fr in use these two things ...,
Js rt fr in use these two things ...,
Js rt fr in use these two things ...
6  cards
Path6.Mod1.a - Deploy and Consume Models - Managed Online Endpoints
Real time endpoints inferencing,
Moe koetwo types of online endpoi...,
Ma ss env cconffour things requir...
9  cards
Path6.Mod1.b - Deploy and Consume Models - Managed Online Endpoint w/out MLFlow
Deploying to an online endpoint w...,
Code for creating an environment ...,
The managedonlinedeployment class...
10  cards
Path6.Mod2.a - Deploy and Consume Models - Batch Endpoints
When to use batch endpoints for b...,
When to use batch endpoints for b...,
Invoking a batch endpoint does th...
10  cards
Path6.Mod2.a - Deploy and Consume Models - Batch Endpoint Deployment
Wrt batch endpoint deployments us...,
This is required for an mlflow mo...,
This is required for an mlflow mo...
6  cards
Path6.Mod2.b - Deploy and Consume Models - Batch Endpoint Deployment w/out MLFlow
When deploying without mlflow all...,
Two functions the scoring script ...,
Given this code note azureml_mode...
9  cards
Path6.Mod2.c - Deploy and Consume Models - Invoke and Troubleshoot Batch Endpoints, Debug Pipelines
Added learning:
7  cards
Path7.Mod1.a - Responsible AI Dashboard - General Requirements and Goals
Added due to updates to DP-100 on Oct 18th 2023
12  cards
Path7.Mod1.b - Responsible AI Dashboard - Creating your RAI Dashboard
Four steps to create a responsibl...,
Available tool components,
Three ways to create a rai dashboard
9  cards
Path7.Mod1.c - Responsible AI Dashboard - Evaluate the RAI Dashboard
Depending on the components selec...,
Describe error analysis two graph...,
Etmtwo visual representations for...
8  cards
Path7.Mod1.d - Responsible AI Dashboard - Model Performance and Fairness
Augmented learning from:
7  cards
Path7.Mod1.e - Responsible AI Dashboard - UnFairness Mitigation Algorithms
Augmented learning from:
7  cards
Path7.Mod1.f - Responsible AI Dashboard - Privacy and Security, Differential Privacy
Augmented Learning: Privacy and Security Differential privacy Counterfit
8  cards
Path8.Mod1.a - Intro to DevOps Principles for ML
Additional module on MLOps:
8  cards
Path8.Mod1.b - Intro to DevOps Principles for ML - Trigger with Azure ML Events
Augmented learning:
10  cards
Path8.Mod1.c - Intro to DevOps Principles for ML - Compute Targets
Augmented learning:
9  cards
Path8.Mod1.d - Intro to DevOps Principles for ML - VM Series
Augmented learning:
11  cards
Path9.Mod1.a - Selecting Regression Algorithms for Azure ML
Augmented learning
8  cards
Path9.Mod1.c - Selecting Binary Classification Algorithms for Azure ML
Augmented learning
6  cards
Path9.Mod1.b - Selecting Multi-Classification Algorithms for Azure ML
Augmented learning
6  cards
Path9.Mod1.d - Selecting Text Analyics and Recommender Algorithms for Azure ML
Augmented learning
7  cards
Path9.Mod1.e - Selecting Clustering, Anomaly Detection and Image Classification Algorithms for Azure ML
Augmented learning
4  cards

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