dna analysis & interpretation

This class was created by Brainscape user Amira Cooke. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

Lecture 1 - DNA Structure
How many base pairs are there in ...,
What is dna,
How many core components do nucle...
55  cards
DNA Stability & Handling
Equation for g,
Negative g,
44  cards
Handling Electrophoresis
Factors affecting stability,
What wavelengths do nucleobases a...,
Electrophoresis theory
20  cards
Electrophoresis & Synthesis
Synthesis of oligonucleotides,
Synthetic cycle of oglionucleotides,
16  cards
Polymerase Chain Reaction
How does polymerase work polymera...,
Polymerase chain reaction,
Polymerase chain reaction process...
26  cards
Profiling sequence
Troubleshooting primer dimer,
14  cards
Workshop 1
Why does double stranded dna form...,
Would the following changes in co...,
Would the following changes in co...
10  cards
Introduction to body fluids
Draw back of the acid phosphatase...
51  cards
Practical DNA Processing
Equipment used to collect dna fro...,
Practical dna processing basic steps,
Sample retrieval
67  cards
Generation of DNA profiles
1 thermo stable polymerase2 the u...,
Rflp restriction fragment length ...
73  cards
Benefits of newer multiplexes
What are the combinations of loci...,
Second generation multiplex sgm,
Second generation multiplex mista...
25  cards
Single source DNA profiles
What do we need to do with a dna ...,
1 the statistics associated with ...,
Statistical weight when excluding...
12  cards
1 the statistics associated with ...,
Opportunity for contamination,
Oxford dictionary definion of con...
26  cards
1 describes a suite of emerging d...,
Str markers,
78  cards
Artefacts and noise
How does stutter occur,
Stutter falls into this category ...,
Stutter peaks
21  cards
Investigative Genealogy
1 the statistics associated with ...,
Mini satellites,
Familial searching
16  cards
Massively parallel sequencing
Dna database matches scene to sce...,
What is massively parallel dna se...,
The national dna database statistics
21  cards
Freezer milling
What is freezer milling,
Freezer milling steps,
Step 1freezer milling freezing th...
28  cards
Differential Extraction
Http when is differential extract...,
Non sperm cells also known as epi...,
How does differential extraction ...
15  cards

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dna analysis & interpretation

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