dna analysis & interpretation

This class was created by Brainscape user Charlotte Kenward. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

DNA Structure
What are the 3 components of nucl...,
What is dna,
What are the two forms of nucelob...
35  cards
Stability and Handling
What do you need to calculate to ...,
What is the g equation,
What are some factors that affect...
19  cards
How does electrophoresis work,
How do we separate different leng...,
More on electrophoretic separation
7  cards
1  cards
What is pcr,
What are the steps involved in pcr,
What can we use pcr to look for
3  cards
Profiling and Sequencing
What are the steps in dna profiling,
What is profiling,
What is sequencing
16  cards
DNA Analysis and Interpretation
What is fluorescence used for,
Blood samples,
Semen analysis
35  cards
Practical DNA Processing
Define allele,
Define allelic drop out,
Define amplicon
57  cards
How to generate DNA profiles
What is rflp,
What is dq alpha,
What are the benefits of dq alpha...
26  cards
Benefits of New Multiplexes
What is a multiplex,
What is sgm,
What is sgm
24  cards
Interpretation of Single Source DNA Profile
What can reduce the statistics as...,
What is the question that we ask ...,
What are the assumptions to the p...
6  cards
Mixtures and Incomplete DNA Profiles
What are the repeating units with...,
When is a profile described as mixed,
What are the major issues associa...
29  cards
Next Generation Sequencing
What is ngs,
What is ngs also known as,
The national dna database statisicts
21  cards
What is meant by the term rfu,
What is sodium hypochlorite used ...,
The allele count at a particular ...
25  cards
Artefacts and Noise
What are artefacts,
What is a stutter,
How does a stutter occur
38  cards
Forensic Geneaology
# ``````,
What are minisatellites,
What us familial searching
19  cards
Bone samples
What is one way to prepare a bone...,
Many extraction processes begin w...,
After decontamination the hard ti...
10  cards

More about
dna analysis & interpretation

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