dispute resolution

This class was created by Brainscape user Tamer Tayyareci. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

Methods of Dispute Resolution
What should you always consider i...,
When would the court allow a fail...,
If a party is not engaging in adr...
10  cards
Civil Claims and Commencing Proceedings
What is the limitation period for...,
What is the limitation period for...,
In a claim in negligence where th...
34  cards
Statements of Case
How should a statement of case be...,
What must the poc include,
How should a poc for a breached c...
19  cards
Responding to a claim
What is the difference between a ...,
What is the purpose of an acknowl...,
What is the effect of an acknowle...
17  cards
Case and Costs Management
What is the aim of effective case...,
What is the overriding objective,
What are the six objectives to en...
19  cards
Disclosure and Inspection
What is disclosure,
What is standard disclosure,
What disclosure orders are standa...
15  cards
Who has the burden of proof,
What should a be included in a wi...,
What is the general rule on opini...
13  cards
Interim Applications
What should parties do before an ...,
What s the correct form for an in...,
What should be included in an app...
21  cards
Trial and Appeals
What should a solicitor do with a...,
What is a witness summons,
When should a witness summons be ...
18  cards
What is included in costs,
What is the general rule regardin...,
When must the costs budget be filed
23  cards
How could the claimant investigat...,
What is the court process of inve...,
What are the four most common met...
21  cards

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dispute resolution

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