This class was created by Brainscape user sheima Derdour. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

recognising lenses and basic marking ( tutorial 1 )
How to know if a lens is positive,
How to know if a lens is negative,
How to estimate power of lens
18  cards
introduction to lenses ( lecture 1 )
What is a corrective lens,
What is a spherical lens,
What are the types of lenses
24  cards
neutralising spherical and toric lenses ( tutorial 2 )
How to neutralise meridian,
What happens if you,
How to neutralise spherical lens
5  cards
prescription and lenses ( lecture 2)
What does a lens do,
What is a principle focus,
What is the 1st principle focus
44  cards
power and lenses L3
What happens when light is moving...,
What happens when light is moving...,
What do capital letters represent
22  cards
toric transposition
What kind of lens do you need to ...,
What is the surface with no power,
What is the surface with maximum ...
15  cards
How is the rotation of the eye co...,
What does defects in the innovati...,
What is strabismus
28  cards
prisms and centration
What is centration,
What are plus and minus lenses th...,
What happens when light passes th...
22  cards
Thick lenses
How can you work out the power of...,
How does light change vergence in...,
How do we assign powers to lenses
20  cards
What are the factors affecting le...,
What are the lens shape or frame,
What are spectacle lenses cut from
61  cards
Lens materials
What would the choice of lens mat...,
What the lens properties,
What is durability
43  cards
lens coating
What does coating a lens dependen...,
Why does glass not require a hard...,
What is difference between scratc...
38  cards
field of view and near vision effectivity error
What is field of view,
What is apparent field of view,
What is real field of view
36  cards
Why do we dispense tints,
Who can benefit from a tint,
What do tints protect against
53  cards
protective eyewear
What are we protecting our patien...,
What is impact resistance,
How are materials tested
32  cards
What do we have to consider when ...,
What are the most dersiabrable pr...,
What are some types of plastic fr...
22  cards
paediatric dispensing
Why is it important to effectivel...,
How to effectively communicate,
What are things to consider with ...
36  cards
spectacle magnification and differential prism
What is spectacle magnification,
How does a positive lens affect m...,
How does a negative lens affect m...
27  cards
What is presbyopia,
Why does presbyopia happen,
What are the glasses options for ...
39  cards

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