This class was created by Brainscape user Jessica Hepplewhite. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

What are the treatment options fo...,
What serotypes of chlamydia cause...,
What serotypes of chlamydia cause...
39  cards
Describe the microbiology of gono...,
Where can gonorrhoea infect,
What is the incubation period of ...
38  cards
Non-Gonococcal Urethritis
What are the two top causes of ngu,
Name 4 other causes of ngu other ...,
What is the prevalence of chlamyd...
24  cards
Mycoplasma Genitalium
What is the prevalence of mgen in...,
What is the prevalence of mycopla...,
How is mycoplasma genitalium spread
31  cards
Describe the organism of tv,
Where can tv be found in most com...,
What percentage of women andmen c...
19  cards
Describe epididymo orchitis in la...,
What is the most common cause of ...,
32 year old female weight 222 kg ...
20  cards
What is the commonest cause of ab...,
What happens to the presence of l...,
Describe the pathophysiology of bv
22  cards
HPV screening programme/cervical smears
What year was the cervical screen...,
When do women become eligible for...,
What is the primary screening met...
39  cards
Genital warts
What causes genital warts,
How do people catch genital warts,
What are genital warts
35  cards
What is the name of the mite that...,
How is scabies transmitted,
Hhow long can scabies mites live ...
32  cards
Pubic lice 'crabs'
What is the incubation period for...,
What is the name of the crab lice...,
How is pubic lice phthirus pubis ...
16  cards
What are the three groups that ne...,
What proportion of neonatal hsv p...,
What proportion of neonatal hsv p...
54  cards
What is the main fungal organism ...,
You are fitting an iud in the con...,
What percentage of women with vvs...
47  cards
List the causes of pid,
What are the symptoms associated ...,
What are the signs of pid on clin...
37  cards
What is the incubation period for...,
When is someone,
How can people catch hepatitis b
27  cards
sexual assault
What is the timeline for forensic...,
If a patient presents to a sexual...,
Darcey presents to gum following ...
34  cards
sexual dysfunction in men
What is the definition of early e...,
What is the normal time to ejacul...,
List some of the causes of
41  cards
ART/HIV questions
How many drugs are usually used i...,
What class of drugs makes up the ...,
What is the first line art backbo...
60  cards
Post exposure prophylaxis
What is the usual regime of pep f...,
If prescribing pep for hiv to a p...,
If there is a pregnancy risk of a...
42  cards
Tropical STIs
What is the name of the causative...,
What is the incubation period of ...
32  cards
What is the standard prep regime,
What is the efficacy of prep in msm,
What are the most common se of prep
37  cards
BASHH HIV testing
How often should pwid and sex wor...,
How often should sexually active ...,
What is the aim of opt out hiv te...
12  cards
How would you classify the bacter...,
What is the name of the bacteria ...,
How can syphilis be transmitted
65  cards

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dip gum

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