digital forensics

This class was created by Brainscape user Amira Cooke. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Image Acquisition
What does a light sensor chip do,
What is the camera covered with a...,
What is a bayer filter
38  cards
Formation point processing
What is resolution,
What is the intensity range,
What intensity is 0
14  cards
Photo Forgery
What are methods of detecting pho...,
What can you find out using exif ...,
What is the problem with using ex...
3  cards
Spatial Filtering
What is image processing,
What are the different types of i...,
What is the purpose of spatial fi...
17  cards
Image noise
What are examples of uncorrelated...,
How can you increase exposure,
What causes correlated noise
12  cards
Forensic camera identification
What does the protection of child...,
What is illegal to do under the c...,
What is it an offence to do under...
18  cards
What is steganography,
What is an acrostic,
What is a cover obkect c
21  cards
Image compression
What is 100 photo quality,
When the compression ratio is high,
What is non lossy compression
22  cards
Forensic analysis of JPEG files
When the scaling value is small,
What metadata can you get from a ...,
What is the forensic value of exif
8  cards
What is the law regarding passwords,
What is a cryptosystem,
What is cyphertext
29  cards
Digital Forensics
What is the structure of a hard d...,
What is the structure of a hard d...,
How many sectors form a cluster
11  cards
Best practice and the law
What is a computer virus,
What is a worm,
What is the dangers of a worm
25  cards
Enhanced cognitive interview
What are the 4 steps of the fishe...,
What is the issue with step 4 of ...,
What was the purpose of step 4 ci
22  cards
Facial composite construction
What is the facial composite system,
What are the limitations of featu...
2  cards

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digital forensics

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