This class was created by Brainscape user Joseph Lyman. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

GI 1A - Gastrointestinal System
The ____ is essentially an epithe...,
The length of the gi tract is 30 ...,
The ____ include the salivary gla...
31  cards
GI 1B- Anatomy of GI wall and Regulation
The lumen of the gi tract is cont...,
Technically the contents within t...,
Gastric juice penetrates the gast...
15  cards
GI 1C- Salivation
The principal salivary glands are...,
What are the normal ranges of dai...,
What are 3 important functions of...
33  cards
GI 1D- Gustation
Humans can distinguish among ____...,
Taste receptor cells taste cells ...,
What are the 4 main locations of ...
18  cards
GI 1E- Mastication
What are the muscles of mastication,
What innervates the muscles of ma...,
Function of mastication
11  cards
GI 1F- Esophagus and Deglutition
The esophagus connects the _____ ...,
Where does the esophagus begin,
The esophagus has what type of ep...
22  cards
GI 2B- Pathology of the Stomach
Oral manifestations of pernicious...,
What drug can you use to suppleme...,
How does the h pylori survive in ...
28  cards
2A - Anatomy and Physiology of the Stomach
3 layers to the muscular is mucos...,
Several factors contribute to the...,
___ play an important role in pro...
26  cards
GI 2C - Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology of the Pancreas
Enzymes included in the pancreas ...,
____ is the only potentially cura...,
Characteristics of cystic fibrosi...
36  cards
GI 3A- Anatomy of the Liver
The sinusoids are lined by _____ ...,
What is the first pass effect,
In which direction is sinusoidal ...
18  cards
Exam 2 Anatomy
6  cards
GI 3B- Physiology of the Liver
What lipids are incorporated in c...,
Why would a patient suffering fro...,
A lipid panel of a liver failure ...
74  cards
GI 3C - Anatomy & Physiology of the Gallbladder
What is the flow of bile from the...,
What anatomical structure regulat...,
What does cck stimulate
26  cards
GI 4A - Gastrointestinal System
How long and where is the duodenum,
Where does the duodenum begin tra...,
How long is the jejunum
24  cards
GI 4B- Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology of the Small Intestines 2
Who is involved with emulsification,
What is emulsification,
Intestinal cells absorb lipid mic...
30  cards
GI 4C- Large intestine
Fibers of the large intestines ex...,
Formation of outpouchings between...,
The mucosa of the large intestine...
45  cards

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