dermatology bolognia

This class was created by Brainscape user Eshini Deva. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

29- Pemphigus
What are the three major forms of...,
What is the mean age of onset for...,
What arae the features of fogo se...
40  cards
30- Pemphigoid group
Which atoantibodies is bullous pe...,
Which domain region of bp180 do t...,
Which domain of the bp230 region ...
45  cards
37- Acne vulgaris
What inflammatory infiltrates are...,
What porphyrins to proppionibacte...,
What is the mechanism by which in...
20  cards
38- Folliculitis and other follicular disorders
What are the histological finding...,
What skin disorders are exacerbat...,
What are the 3 major forms eosino...
20  cards
32 Dermatitis Herpetiormis and Linear IgA Bullous Dermatosis
What percentage of patients with ...,
What 4 findings support the diagn...,
What hla genotype is dermatitis h...
24  cards
7 &8 - Pruritis and dysethesia + psychocutaneous disease
What criteria are used for the di...,
What disease may aquagenic prurit...,
What conditions is cholestatic pr...
18  cards
33 - Epidermolysis bullosa
What are the three major types of...,
What mutations genes are present ...,
What are the 4 subtypes of epider...
20  cards
34- other vesiculobullous diseases
What is the epidemiology of bullo...,
What is the pathogenesis of bullo...,
What are the clinical features of...
18  cards
47- Amyloidosis
What are the three major forms of...,
What races is primary cutaneous a...,
How can amyloidosis be classified
24  cards
41- Autoantibodoes encountered in patients with autoimmune connective tissue disease
Which autoantibodies will be posi...,
Which antibodies will be elevated...,
What drugs can trigger a positive...
7  cards
42- Lupus erythematosus
What is the strongest risk factor...,
What factors are involved in the ...,
What genes are the most strongly ...
14  cards
Morphoea and Lichen sclerosus
What is the epidemiology of morphoea,
What antibodies are likely to be ...,
What are some local triggers for ...
3  cards
What are the cutaneous classifica...,
What are the non cutaneous classi...
2  cards
Neutrophilic Dermatoses
What groups does sweets syndrome ...,
Wht are the clinical features of ...,
What ares does sweets syndrome fa...
21  cards
Pregnancy dermatoses
What are the 4 pruritic entities ...,
What is the pathogenesis of pemph...,
What are the clinical features of...
10  cards
24- Cutaneous Manifestations of Microvascular occlusion syndromes
What is the pathogenesis of hepar...,
What are the clinical features of...,
Which 2 myeloproliferative disord...
6  cards
26- eosinophilic dermatoses
What are the clinical features of...,
What are the differential diagnos...,
What is the histology of granulom...
8  cards
22- Drug reactions
What are the major drugs implicat...,
What drugs are commonly associate...,
What are the primary medications ...
4  cards
20 - Figurate erythemas
What are the four classical figur...,
What are the associations causes ...,
What are the histopathological fe...
4  cards
68 Alopecias
What is bjornstatd sndrome,
What other inherited diseases hav...,
What are the three types of trich...
3  cards

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dermatology bolognia

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