This class was created by Brainscape user Evie Mander. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Benign Skin Lesions
Features of benign pigmented lesions,
What are ephelides,
What are ephelides
40  cards
Blistering Skin Conditions
Clinical features of an intra epi...,
Name of an intra epidermal blister,
Name of a sub epidermal blister
42  cards
What is erysipelas,
What causes erysipelas,
Associated symptoms of erysipelas
25  cards
What is photosensitivity,
Name some drugs that cause photos...,
What does skin type depend on
23  cards
Role of vitamin a,
Animal sources of vitamin a,
Plant sources of vitamin a
38  cards
Skin Cancer
What are actinic keratoses,
What can actinic keratoses transf...,
Presentation of actinic keratoses
77  cards
Common Rashes
Clinical features of acute eczema,
Histology of acute eczema,
Clinical presentation of chronic ...
105  cards
Skin Signs Of Systemic Disease
What is a leg ulcer,
What is the most common cause of ...,
What causes arterial ulcers
50  cards
Cutaneous Drug Eruptions
What is a cutaneous drug eruption,
Give some examples of non immunol...,
Who is most likely to get a cutan...
29  cards
Dermatology Emergencies
What type of reaction is erythema...,
What is erythema multiforme commo...,
Name some other infections associ...
24  cards
Name the 3 main layers of the ski...,
What is the epidermis,
What is the dermis
189  cards
How can psychological stress trig...,
Give examples of neuromediators,
Role of dryness of skin in defenc...
160  cards
What are the main dermatology rou...,
What is used to describe the stru...,
What are the bricks in the model ...
40  cards

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Brainscape is a digital flashcards platform where you can find, create, share, and study any subject on the planet.

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