This class was created by Brainscape user Sharmaine Lozano. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (30)

Ch. 1 - Glossary
63  cards
Ch. 1 - Normal anatomy
Scalp skin,
Facial skin,
Truncal skin
23  cards
Ch. 1 - Stains
Massons trichrome stain,
Verhoeff van gieson stain,
Toluidine blue
23  cards
Ch. 1 - IHC
What enzyme reaction forms the ba...,
Ck polyclonal keratin pankeratin,
53  cards
Ch. 2 - Benign tumors & cysts of the epidermis
What is an acanthoma,
How does the stratum corneum appe...,
What ihc and molecular markers ar...
67  cards
Ch. 3 - Malignant tumors of the epidermis
Actinic keratosis,
Acantholytic actinic keratosis,
Lichenoid actinic keratosis
51  cards
Ch. 4 - Pilar & sebaceous neoplasms
Pilomatricoma calcifying epitheli...,
Pilomatrical carcinoma,
40  cards
Ch. 5 - Sweat gland neoplasms
What is focal decapitation secretion,
What do red and blue sweat gland ...,
Cylindrome turban tumor
56  cards
Ch. 6 - Melanocytic neoplasms
Solar lentigo,
Melanotic macule,
Benign melanocytic nevus
57  cards
Ch. 7 - Interface dermatitis
Lichenoid interface dermatitis,
Causes of lichenoid interface der...,
Late phase burnt out lichenoid de...
39  cards
Ch. 8 - Psoriasiform and spongiotic dermatitis
What lesions can present with col...,
Plaque psoriasis
41  cards
Ch. 9 - Blistering diseases
What are the subcorneal vesiculbu...,
Pemphigus foliaceus,
Subcorneal pustular dermatosis
35  cards
Ch. 10 - Granulomatous and histiocytic diseases
Recite some categories of granulomas,
Granuloma annulare,
Actinic granuloma
36  cards
Ch. 11 - Inflammatory vascular diseases
Leukocytoclastic vasculitis,
What are the large vessel vasculi...,
Giant cell arteritis temporal art...
57  cards
Ch. 12 - Genodermatoses
Pseudoxanthoma elasticum cause,
Ichthyosis vulgaris cause,
Incontinentia pigmenti bloch sulz...
15  cards
Ch. 13 - Alterations in collagen and elastin
Lichen sclerosus et atrophicus,
Chronic radiation dermatitis,
Morphea scleroderma
38  cards
Ch. 14 - Metabolic disorders
Recall some mucinoses,
Scleredema of buschke,
Pretibial myxedema
38  cards
Ch. 15 - Disorders of skin appendages
What conditions comprise the non ...,
Pattern alopecia androgenetic bal...,
Telogen effluvium
39  cards
Ch. 16 - Panniculitis
Distinguish between the patterns ...,
Erythema nodosum,
What conditions present with lobu...
26  cards
Ch. 17 - Bacterial, spirochete, and protozoan infections
Impetigo cause,
What conditions present with neut...,
Bullous impetigo
44  cards
Ch. 18 - Fungal infections
Bullous tinea,
45  cards
Ch. 19 - Viral infections, helminths, and arthropods
Verruca vulgaris,
Verruca plana flat wart
58  cards
Ch. 20 - Fibrous tumors
Aneurysmal dermatofibroma scleros...,
Fibrous histiocytoma
65  cards
Ch. 21 - Tumors of fat, muscle, cartilage, and bone
Spindle cell lipoma
45  cards
Ch. 22 - Neural tumors
Diffuse neurofibroma,
Plexiform neurofibroma
34  cards
Ch. 23 - Vascular tumors
Nevus flammeus
58  cards
Ch. 24 - Cutaneous T/NK-cell lymphomas and myeloid leukemia
Mycosis fungoides patch stage,
Mycosis fungoides plaque stage,
Mycosis fungoides tumor stage
46  cards
Ch. 25 - B-cell lymphoma and lymphocytic leukemia
How do cutaneous b cell neoplasms...,
Primary cutaneous marginal zone l...,
Primary cutaneous follicle center...
18  cards
Ch. 26 - Metastatic tumors and simulators
What are the most common adenocar...,
Breast carcinoma,
Carcinoma en cuirasse
29  cards
Mnemonic neutrophils in the horn,
Eosinophilic spongioses,
Peh with pus
24  cards

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