This class was created by Brainscape user Ryan Comet. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Nautical Terms
What is the keel,
What types of keel are there,
Advangaes of long keel
37  cards
Sail anatomy
What is a fractional rig,
Names for the sail on the forestay,
Whats the disadvantage of furing ...
18  cards
deck anatomy
What is the port bow,
What is the starbord bow,
What is the port quater of the boat
19  cards
What are some uses for a bowline,
What is a reef not used for,
Danger of using a reef knot
27  cards
What are the 9 things to think ab...,
What are the 4 ways to check the ...,
Why is hight to tide important to...
32  cards
Pre departure checklist
What are the 21 things on the dep...,
When leaving the berth what is th...,
What should you do when the crew ...
3  cards
Preparation to enter a marina
What warps should be ready when e...,
What else should be set up,
What should be done before travel...
8  cards
Right of way
What is a sailing vessels tack,
Why are port and starboard used i...,
When two vessels are meeting who ...
14  cards
points of sail
What is sailing at 0 30 deg to th...,
What is sailing at 30 40deg to th...,
What is saling at 40 80 deg to th...
7  cards
Introduction to chartwork
Where are all depths on a chart m...,
What does lat stand for,
Where can you see chart datum on ...
90  cards
What causes the tides,
What causes neap tides,
What causes spring tides
66  cards
tidal streams
What is a tidal stream,
Why does a skipper need the tidal...,
What 3 things impact the strenght...
20  cards
Magnetic variation and deviation
What is magnetic variation,
What is the magnetic deviation,
If the magnetic variation is west...
18  cards
Types of Compas
What is the ships compass,
What is the advantage of a fixed ...,
How would you work out your vesse...
8  cards
Positon fixing
What is a ships log,
What is a logbook,
What information would you find i...
27  cards
What does gps stand for,
What are the 3 elements of a gps ...,
How many satellites are required ...
16  cards

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day skipper

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Brainscape is a digital flashcards platform where you can find, create, share, and study any subject on the planet.

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