This class was created by Brainscape user Veronica Robinson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (13)

Resting membrane potential,
Which communicates faster chemica...
167  cards
Toxicity Article
T fsedatives hypnotics are contra...,
Anxiolytics and sedative hypnotic...,
Anxiolytics and sedative hypnotic...
82  cards
First recorded parenteral agent t...,
First hollow needles,
Why were hollow needles significant
300  cards
IV anesthetics
T f90 of anesthesia is done with ...,
Prop vehicle
98  cards
How much of air is oxygen,
Sea level air pressures,
Increasing altitude decreases po2...
95  cards
Nociception (Exam 2)
T ftransduction always refers to ...,
205  cards
Opioids (Exam 2)
T fanaphylaxis is possible from o...,
T fses can be beneficial,
Respiratory depression d t
154  cards
Nonopioids Analgesics (Exam 2)
Nonopioid analgesic classes,
Acetylsalicylic acid aspirin moa
46  cards
PNS (Exam 2)
T f most drugs either have a dire...,
T fany pns alteration in normal f...,
Pns broken down into two major co...
63  cards
NMB (Exam 2)
Ganglionic blockers originally us...,
Ganglionic blockers act on,
What happens when a drug blocks b...
119  cards
Local Anesthetics
Lipophilicity of the ______ contr...,
Most las are ____ exist as,
Moa as antiarrhythmic
175  cards
Cholinergic agonist can also be c...,
Cholinergic receptors,
Parasympathomimetic acts primaril...
233  cards
Autonomic adrenergic transmission,
Catecholamine synthesis,
The rate limiting step in synthesis
113  cards

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daddy pharm

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