This class was created by Brainscape user Ellie Cheney. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Lecture 1
Health Vs Disease
26  cards
Lecture 1.5
Stress and Physical Adaptation
32  cards
Lecture 2
3 lines of defense,
What are the 7 etiologies that ca...,
2 main components of the vascular...
96  cards
Lecture 3
What 3 factors does the healing p...,
Healing and tissue repair
79  cards
T2 Lecture 4- Immunology
What are the 3 key properties of ...,
What are the 3 roles of the immun...,
What is the most important functi...
84  cards
T2 Lecture 5
Explain the process by which leuk...,
What is activating the endothelium,
What are some chemoattractants in...
66  cards
T2 Lecture 6: Transplant/Hypersensitivity
Difference between allograft auto...,
What mediates rejection specifically,
What mediates graft rejection spe...
125  cards
T2 Lecture 7: Vaccines
Define immunization,
Define vaccination,
What are the two general ways we ...
77  cards
Lecture 8: Molecular Genetics
What do genetics determine,
What are the 4 bases of dna rna,
What is mitochondrial dna inherit...
39  cards
Lecture 9: Clinical Genetics
What is a locus,
What is an allele,
What are the mendelian patterns o...
53  cards
T2 Lecture 10: Cancer
Define neoplasm,
Define neoplasia,
Define proliferation
99  cards
T3- Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases
Define flora microflora,
What is the term to describe flor...,
What is the term to describe flor...
103  cards
T3- Fluid + Electrolytes Part 1
How much of our body weight is co...,
What stuff other than water makes...,
How is the composition of water b...
99  cards
T3- Fluid + Electrolytes Part 2
Where do i generally find potassi...,
How does potassium move in out of...,
What ion is the cell membrane gen...
116  cards
T3- Basic Lab Principles
What determines diagnoses most of...,
What is the purpose of diagnostic...,
Why is inappropriate testing dang...
18  cards
T3- Acid/Base
Define an acid and base,
Define ph,
What is the normal range for body ph
86  cards

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