This class was created by Brainscape user Austin Tew. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (6)

2.1: TCP/IP Networking Model
TCP/IP model is commonly used when learning about and referring to TCP/IP protocols. It is a theoretical, layered model that classifies and organizes the tasks hosts perform to prepare data for transport across the network. The TCP/IP model is a widely used method for understanding and talking about network communications. However, remember that it is only a theoretical model that defines standards for programmers and network administrators. It is not a model of actual physical layers.
33  cards
2.2 OSI Networking Model
The OSI model classifies and organizes the tasks that hosts perform to prepare data for transport across the network. You should be familiar with the OSI model because it is the most widely used method for understanding and talking about network communications. However, remember that it is only a theoretical model that defines standards for programmers and network administrators. It is not a model of actual physical layers.
39  cards
2.3 Networking Basics
Be able to answer the following questions: - What are the two classifications of twisted pair cable? - What are the characteristics of the Cat 5 unshielded twisted pair (UTP) cable type? - How do the Cat 5 and Cat 5e types differ? - What is the general rule for substituting UTP cable types? - What is the purpose of cladding in fiber optic cabling? - What are the advantages of fiber optic cabling? - How do single-mode fiber cables differ from multi-mode? - What connector types are used with f
17  cards
2.4 Data Encapsulation and Communications
Address resolution protocol arp,
Data encapsulation and communicat...,
Network transmission
13  cards
2.5 Ethernet
Bus topology,
Ring topology,
Star topology
21  cards
2.6 Network Devices
4  cards

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