This class was created by Brainscape user Ayomide Obolo. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

CVS physiology 1
What is pressure difference equal to,
What is resistance of blood vesse...,
How is the blood flow of vascular...
30  cards
CVS physiology 2
Why is there a second dip in the ...,
Why is the t wave positive,
What is the comparison of size of...
32  cards
CVS physiology 3
What 2 methods can be used to mea...,
What is the systemic filling pres...,
What is velocity of blood flow re...
30  cards
CVS physiology 4
Where are baroreceptors located,
Where does information from baror...,
What nerves carry information fro...
21  cards
CVS embryology
What are the first arteries to ap...,
How is the aortic sac formed,
What week of embryological develo...
23  cards
CVS anatomy 1
Where is the heart located,
What is the heart related to ante...,
What is the heart related to post...
30  cards
CVS Anatomy 2
Where is the site of auscultation...,
Where is the site of auscultation...,
Where is the site of auscultation...
25  cards
Cardiovascular Drugs
How many people are living with h...,
What of scottish deaths is caused...,
What does the healing process of ...
32  cards
Cardiovascular Drugs 2
What are examples of arbs,
What are the examples of aldoster...,
What do aldosterone antagonists do
32  cards
Hypertension 1
When does a person have hypertension,
What is the relationship between ...,
What doubles the risk of cvd death
30  cards
Hypertension 2
How do you assess end organ damage,
What treatable causes do you scre...,
What is stage 1 hypertension trea...
26  cards
Pathophysiology of atheroma 1
What is atheroma,
What are serious consequences of ...,
What is atheroma complicated by
22  cards
Pathophysiology of atheroma 2
What two step process is involved...,
What are the first 3 in the order...,
What are the last 3 in the order ...
30  cards
Pathophysiology of thrombosis and embolism 1
Normal blood flow is ________,
What is stasis,
What is turbulence
30  cards
Pathophysiology of thrombosis and embolism 2
What can cause air embolism,
What can cause gas embolism,
What are the types of embolus
25  cards
Pathophysiology of ischaemia & infarction 1
20  cards
Pathophysiology of ischaemia & infarction 2
19  cards

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cvs block

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