This class was created by Brainscape user Enoch Koo. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (25)

Lecture 1: Intro/HTN
What is the definition of hyperte...,
What measurements are indicative ...,
What measurements are indicative ...
68  cards
Lecture 2: HTN Part 2
How often should follow up after ...,
How much bp reduction do we expec...,
How is stage 2 htn generally treated
31  cards
Lecture 3: Hypotension
What typically is referred to as ...,
What is the main concern with reg...,
What 3 things determine arterial bp
32  cards
Lecture 4: Heart Sounds
What generates the s1 sound,
What generates the s2 sound,
Cardiac cycle image
44  cards
Lecture 5: Valvular Disorders Part 1
What is the difference between st...,
What are the 6 clinical classific...,
What are the risk factors for val...
57  cards
Lecture 6: Valvular Disorders Part 2
How can we differentiate between ...,
Who is tricuspid stenosis more co...,
What is tricuspid stenosis typica...
37  cards
Lecture 7 Part 1: Endocarditis
In what layer of the heart are th...,
For infective endocarditis to occ...,
What is the mc route for ie to occur
36  cards
Lecture 7 Part 2: Pericardial Disease
What are the functions of the per...,
What are the primary etiologies o...,
If a bacterial etiology is suspec...
35  cards
Lecture 7 Part 1: Endocarditis COPY
In what layer of the heart are th...,
For infective endocarditis to occ...,
What is the mc route for ie to occur
36  cards
Lecture 8: Atherosclerosis & CHD
What are the layers of an artery,
Define atherosclerosis,
What are the first signs of ather...
37  cards
Lecture 9: Ischemic Heart Disease Part 1
What are the mc risk factors for ...,
What is the 1 cause of myocardial...,
What is the most important part o...
34  cards
Lecture 10: Ischemic Heart Disease Part 2
What is always the initial test f...,
How fast should an ekg be done if...,
What is the initial presentation ...
70  cards
Lecture 11: Ischemic Heart Disease Part 3
What are the 4 general ed treatme...,
How does rv infarct tend to prese...,
In what walls does a ventricular ...
10  cards
Lecture 12: Cardiomyopathy
Define cardiomyopathy,
What are the 3 classifications of...,
What part of the heart is primari...
61  cards
Lecture 13: Heart Failure 1
Define heart failure,
What are the mcc of death in peop...,
What are the risk factors for hf
49  cards
Lecture 14: Heart Failure 2
What ist he rule of 2s,
What are the pharmacologic option...,
What is the only class i indicati...
60  cards
Lecture 15: PAD Part 1
What is pad,
Mcc of pad,
Hallmark sign of pad
41  cards
Lecture 16: PAD Part 2
What are the essentials of diagno...,
What is a thrombus,
What is an embolus
57  cards
Lecture 17: Intracardiac Masses
How are cardiac tumors classified,
What is the hallmark sign of an e...,
What characterizes a valvular car...
43  cards
Lecture 18: PVD
What are the essentials of diagno...,
What are the main contributing fa...,
What are the two underlying mecha...
64  cards
Lecture 19: CV Pharmacology
How does a sa node action potenti...,
What are the 4 phases of a cardia...,
What is the effect of hypercalcem...
49  cards
Lecture 20: Approach to Dysrhythmias
What are the 3 groups of dysrhyth...,
What are the 4 possible causes of...,
What are the risk factors that su...
19  cards
Lecture 21: Dysrhythmias Part 1
What is the underlying mechanism ...,
At what point is sinus bradycardi...,
When is sinus bradycardia normal
43  cards
Lecture 22: Dysrhythmias Part 2
What characterizes an ectopic atr...,
What kind of atrial tachycardia i...,
How do we manage at
24  cards
Lecture 23: Dysrhythmias Part 3
What are the typical causes of ju...,
How do you treat junctional arrhy...,
What characterizes an accelerated...
31  cards

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cv <3

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