This class was created by Brainscape user Lily Thompson. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (28)

pharmacology lecture 1
Clinical pharmacology
36  cards
Infection Prevention and Control
28  cards
Isolation: Guidelines and Precautions
What is ppe chosen based off of,
What are the forms of ppe
34  cards
medical terminology
Medical terminology meaning,
What did aristotle do for medicine,
What did hippocrates do for medicine
45  cards
emergency codes
14  cards
Functions of the skin,
20  cards
terminology packet
A an,
143  cards
Poor oxygenation,
Oxygen saturation,
Spo2 or sao2
58  cards
intro to physical assessment
What is the purpose of physical a...,
The 2 types of data,
The 2 sources of data
25  cards
health assessment
2 things to think about before yo...,
5  cards
vital signs
What are your 5 measurements when...,
When do you measure vital signs,
Normal oral tympanic temporal tem...
64  cards
Braden Scale
1 completely limited sensory perc...,
2 very limited sensory perception,
3 slightly limited sensory percep...
31  cards
tissue integrity part one
How long does it take for acute i...,
What is acute inflammation,
Subacute inflammation
15  cards
tissue integrity part two
Pressure ulcer,
Where are pressure ulcers usually at,
How do pressure injuries occur
48  cards
pharm lecture 3
What is an adverse drug reaction,
Mild adr 4
53  cards
patient education
Why is patient education important,
What do we teach,
69  cards
med admin part 1
Medication errors lead to 5,
Who creates medication errors 3,
What does the provider do 2
29  cards
med admin part 2
Medication names 3,
Classification 3,
Medication forms 7
36  cards
enteral medications - maya
Nasogastric tube goes to,
Dobhoff tube goes to,
Nasoduodenal tube goes to
13  cards
enteral medications - foster
Closed system,
Open system
30  cards
Spirituality and diversity
Spirituality definition,
Four aspects of spiritual wellness,
Spiritual wellness attributes 8
60  cards
Immunity definition,
Responds to threats on an individ...,
Produced by prior exposure or ant...
36  cards
Primary mediator of type i hypers...,
Most common allergies are type ____,
Allergy s s 5
21  cards
GI elimination
48  cards
Sleep is 5,
Sleep disturbance,
Sleep disorders
55  cards
Mobility and restraints
Mobility definition,
Examples of mobility 6,
Factors affecting mobility and ac...
61  cards
pharm lecture 4 medicine
Complementary medicine,
Alternative medicine,
Conventional medicine
39  cards
pharm lecture 4- vaccines
Vaccines protect against harmful ...,
Vaccines have been highly _______...,
People of ____ ages benefit from ...
7  cards

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cson im1

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