csc371 advanced object-orientated programming

This class was created by Brainscape user Alexander Balfour. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Introduction to C
What is c,
Define statically typed,
Define weakly typed
29  cards
Abstraction of memory access
What is a variable in terms of me...,
Define declaration,
Define definition
15  cards
Memory Management
What is layout of x86 x86_74 memo...,
What is the in the text code segment,
What is in the initialised data s...
28  cards
Data Structures
What does the function realloc do,
What happens when you realloca va...,
What happens when you realloca va...
18  cards
Copy Semantics
What does the const keyword in c ...,
What does the const keyword mean ...,
Convert this declaration to a sen...
10  cards
Introduction to C++ I
What is c,
What are some functionalities of c,
What are the types visibility of ...
33  cards
Introduction to C++ II
What are streams in c,
How does c handle streams,
How does c deal with streams
20  cards
C++ Standard Library Containers
Why do we want containers,
What is oop about,
What are built in containers an e...
18  cards
What are throwing exceptions used...,
Should we throw everything,
Why should we throw the relevant ...
9  cards
Nested Classes and RAII
What is the first thing that is r...,
What are the two kind of special ...,
What is a copy constructor
17  cards
What is subtyping,
What are parent classes know is in c,
How do you type extend animal class
17  cards
Template Metaprogramming
What are template functions,
What does it mean that template f...,
What happens if a compiler find a...
22  cards
Functors and lambda expressions
What are functors,
Why do we want functors,
What are lambda expressions
8  cards
SOLID principles and design patterns
What are the 4 main features of oop,
What are design patters,
What are the three common types o...
24  cards
Inversion of Control
What is inversion of control,
What is dependency inject a form of,
What are dependency injections
6  cards
Binary Comptability
What is binary compatibility,
What is source compatibility,
What is a programs api
9  cards

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csc371 advanced object-orientated programming

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