This class was created by Brainscape user Phillip Maraveyias. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Intro - Lectures 1 and 2
What are the three types of machi...,
What are the components of a mark...,
What is the markovian property
21  cards
TD Learning
What are the two main categories ...,
Describe model based learning giv...,
Describe value function model fre...
10  cards
What is the difference between rl...,
What is the bellman equation with...,
Define a bellman operator
8  cards
How long do we need to run vi to ...,
If we are running vi and v_t s v_...,
What is the relation between gamm...
12  cards
Why would we want to change the r...,
How can we change the reward func...,
What is the new q function equal ...
6  cards
What is said by littman to be the...,
In the k bandits scenario should ...,
What is the gittins index intuiti...
16  cards
What is generalization,
What are some mappings functions ...,
How do you represent q learning a...
9  cards
What is a pomdp,
Given the following definition of...,
T f pomdps generalize mdps
14  cards
What makes rl hard,
What is temporal abstraction,
What does temporal abstraction he...
15  cards
Game Theory
In repeated games the possibility...,
What is the folk theorem in the c...,
What is subgame perfect nash equi...
26  cards
What are the properties of dec po...,
What is a dec pomdp,
What is inverse reinforcement lea...
7  cards
Review Questions
True or false a policy that is gr...,
True or false the optimal policy ...,
True or false the value of the re...
83  cards

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