This class was created by Brainscape user Joey Pang. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

Computer Number Systems
What are compuational models,
What is the conversion algorithm,
What is the addition algorithm fo...
4  cards
What are sets,
What is the notation for saying t...,
What is the notatin for saying th...
20  cards
Propositional Logic
What is logic,
Where is logic used in comp sci,
What are the applications of logic
17  cards
Predicate Logic
What is predicate logic,
What is the difference between pr...,
What are predicates
14  cards
Universal Conditional Statements
What are universal conditional st...,
What are the different ways to write,
What are the three different ways...
9  cards
Computer Machines and Logic Circuits
What is a computer,
What is the von neumann arch,
What is the logic gate for or
6  cards
Logic Sections
What is the moduc ponens logic,
What is the modus tollens logic,
What is generalization logic
11  cards
Finite State Machines
What is automata theory,
What is automation,
What is an automated machine
7  cards
State Transition Diagrams (STD)
What are some abstract models of ...,
What are the origins of stds,
What is the importance of stds
7  cards
Turing Machines
What is a turing machine,
What are the limitations of a tur...,
What are the different components...
6  cards
Universal Turing Machine
What are models of computations,
What are utms,
What are the features of utm
8  cards
Language & Regular Expressions
What is a basic regex scenario,
What are the different applicatio...,
What is the basic set notation el...
27  cards
Regular Expressions, Grammars & Parsing
What is an alphabet in regex,
What is a language in regex,
What are words in regex
27  cards
Sequences + Recursion | Stacks and Queues
What are sequences,
What is the recursive definition ...,
What is the non recursive definit...
10  cards
Sorting Algorithms
What is sorting,
What is in place sorting,
What is non in plave sorting
8  cards
What are graphs,
What is an undirected graph,
What is a directed graph
19  cards
Graph Applications
What are graphs,
What is dijkstra s algorithm,
Explain how this works
15  cards
Trees + Tree Traversal
What is a tree,
How can you determine a tree stru...,
What are rooted trees
11  cards
Tree Applications
What is tree sort,
How do you construct the inital t...,
How do you search in the tree sor...
12  cards
Discrete Maths I
What is the different between a c...,
What is discretisation,
What is the discretisation of thi...
13  cards
Discrete Maths II - Simulations
What are discrete simulations,
What is the basic model of discre...,
What is the basic weighted model ...
7  cards

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cs1005 - logic and computation

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