cs/ux: software engineering

This class was created by Brainscape user Cavatina Elegy. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (26)

Non-Linear Data Structures
O what is big o notation,
O when do we use big o notation,
O what does big o describe
170  cards
Linear Data Structures
What is big o notation,
What does big o describe,
When do we use big o notation
152  cards
What key algorithms does this cou...,
What distinguishes an average pro...,
What algorithms run in good big o
73  cards
Who is turing,
What are the steps for turing,
What are the benefits of turing
5  cards
Why is this course important hint...,
What are technical interviewers l...,
What are popular interview questions
78  cards
Clean Coding
How is professional code written,
What do we call poorly written code,
What is refactoring
22  cards
What must we know about java befo...,
What are the styles of programmin...,
What are programming paradigms
185  cards
Git, Scrum, Collaboration, Software Development Lifecyle
0  cards
Where do we put parameters for a ...,
Where do we put the methods for o...,
What is a good function method name
185  cards
What are four faqs about javascript,
What is javascript,
What large companies are building...
169  cards
What does this course cover,
What are requirements,
E what is covered in the exceptio...
235  cards
Web Development
Which country created the internet,
What is a server,
How many servers power the internet
16  cards
What does this course provide,
What is this process,
Who are the authors
130  cards
What are the table of contents,
What does write great code volume...,
Who is this written for
11  cards
Ultimate Design Patterns - Behavioral
Dp what are we going to learn in ...,
Dp what is not covered in this co...,
Dp what must every software engin...
94  cards
What should we know before readin...,
What topics does this volume cover,
What language was high performanc...
24  cards
Ultimate Design Patterns - Structural
Cp what problem does the composit...,
Cp when do we use the composite p...,
Cp how can we implement the compo...
30  cards
What is a database,
How do we manage our databases,
What two types of database manage...
326  cards
What does mosh hope we become aft...,
What is node,
What is node ideal for building
247  cards
What is react,
What is every react application,
What is a component
195  cards
What am i going to learn,
What is git and why is it popular,
What is a centralized version con...
130  cards
What will we learn,
What is redux,
Why do we need redux state managment
140  cards
React Native I
What are we going to learn,
What should we know to get started,
What is react native
125  cards
React Native II
What are we going to learn in rea...,
What do we need to know,
What native features are not avai...
128  cards
Master Digital Product Design - UX Research & UI Design
How many digital products fail,
Why is this failure rate important,
What will facebook do today
141  cards
Sketching for UX designers - Boost UX work with Pen & Paper
Who is the author,
What are we going to learn in thi...,
What topics will be covered
8  cards

More about
cs/ux: software engineering

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