This class was created by Brainscape user Anna Nietzel. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

ICU evaluation and preventative measures
What is the safest way medication...,
What eternal access devices are u...,
What eternal access devices are u...
42  cards
Fluid and Electrolytes
What is the reference range for ca,
Why does corrected calcium need t...,
What is the ionized active refere...
72  cards
Hemodynamics and Respiratory support
What is a normal sbp,
What is a normal dbp,
What is a normal map mean arteria...
23  cards
What is a normal ph,
What is a normal paco2,
What is a normal arterial blood g...
18  cards
Shock Syndromes
What are the causes of hypovolemi...,
What are the causes of distributi...,
What are the causes of cardiogeni...
10  cards
Sepsis/ Shock
What sofa score defines sepsis,
What is the definition of septic ...,
What are the most common causes o...
16  cards
Sedation, Analgesia, Delirium
What are ses with opioid analgesics,
What is a typical and high dose o...,
How much hydropmorphone is equiva...
41  cards
CNS Trauma
Where do spinal injuries usually ...,
What are the types of cns bleeds,
How is a
21  cards
Alcohol Withdrawal
What changes in the brain lead to...,
How much alcohol and how long doe...,
What are the complications of wit...
17  cards
What are s s of dka,
What are causes of dka,
What is the pathophysiology of dka
18  cards
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
What p f ratio describes mild oxy...,
What p f describes moderate oxyge...,
What p f ratio describes severe o...
27  cards
Advances Cardiac Life Support
What medications are used for vt ...,
How are medications administered ...,
What medications are used for pea...
26  cards
What must be true about renal fun...,
What type of dose should not be a...,
What can increase hepatic blood f...
28  cards
1  cards
0  cards
Drug-Induced kidney disease
0  cards
Mineral Bone Disorders
0  cards
0  cards
0  cards
0  cards

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critically ill

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