This class was created by Brainscape user Ruby Mayhew. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (29)

Unit 2 - 1.1
What is deviant behaviour,
What factors affect deviance,
15  cards
Is this theory genetic or physiol...,
What is the name of the theory,
What does lombroso say criminal s...
15  cards
Is the theory genetic or physiolo...,
What does he believe determines c...,
What is a somatotype
12  cards
XYY theory
Is it genetic or physiological,
What is the cause of criminality,
What is the mutation from and to
14  cards
Twin studies
What is theory based on,
Is it genetic or physiological,
What are mz twins
9  cards
Adoption studies
Is this theory genetic or physiol...,
What does this theory compare,
What is the conclusion if they ar...
9  cards
Chemical castration
What is the other name of this po...,
What type of theories inform the ...,
What is used for this policy
10  cards
The death penalty
What type of theories inform this...,
What is the death penalty,
What crimes receive the death pen...
7  cards
What type of theory is this,
Is the theory psychological or ps...,
What is the name of the theory
10  cards
What is the name of freud s theory,
What are 3 parts of the mind,
What is the id
11  cards
What is the name of the theory,
What type of theory is it,
Crime is a what
14  cards
Token economy
What type of theory informs this ...,
What specific theory informs this...,
What does this policy do
8  cards
Conjugal visits
What type of theory informs this ...,
What specific policy informs this...,
What does this policy do
8  cards
Peer mentoring
What type of theories inform this...,
Which specific theory inform the ...,
What do the mentors do
8  cards
What type of theory is it,
What does this theory believe cau...,
What is the inequality between
9  cards
Strain theory
Who s theory is it,
What does society encourage,
What is society unable to do
8  cards
Labelling theory
What type of theory is it,
What is the cause of criminality,
What is the 1st stage
12  cards
Right realism
What does this theory believe cri...,
What type of theory is this,
What is theory s view on crime
11  cards
Restorative justice
What type of theories inform this...,
Which specific theory informs thi...,
What is the focus of the policy
9  cards
Zero tolerance policing
What type of theories inform this...,
Which specific theory informs thi...,
What is in a response to and whic...
13  cards
Tougher prison sentences (penal populism)
What type of theories inform this...,
Which specific theory informs thi...,
What is one of the main way to co...
10  cards
Reasons for not reporting crime
What are 3 reasons for not report...,
Explain why fear leads to unrepor...,
Explain why shame leads to unrepo...
4  cards
Consequences of not reporting crime
What are 3 consequences of unrepo...,
What is the ripple effect,
What is decriminalization
4  cards
How laws change
What are 3 ways laws can change,
Why do laws differ over time,
What are 2 example of law changin...
7  cards
Newspaper campaigns
What are the 2 newspaper campaigns,
What is the campaign about,
What did it seek to change
14  cards
Individual campaigns
What is an individual campaign,
What are the 2 individual campaigns,
What is the aim of the campaign c...
24  cards
Pressure group campaigns
What are the 2 pressure group cam...,
What is the campaign aim,
What is the campaign about stonew...
13  cards
Why laws change
What are the 6 reasons for change...,
How does fear change in laws incl...,
How do miscarriages of justice
7  cards
Social change affect on policies
0  cards

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unit 2 - criminology

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