criminal procedure

This class was created by Brainscape user Matthew Russell. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (25)

1. Constitution
Prior to the revolution what did ...,
What are the most powerful author...,
Our state constitution may never ...
17  cards
2. Police Information: Observations
What are the four constitutional ...,
What must officers have sufficien...,
Name two more constitutionally si...
40  cards
3. Secondary Sources
What are the two components for e...,
What are the four types of sources,
These individuals including polic...
21  cards
4. Encounters & Investigative Detentions
Who ultimately reviews my decisio...,
During my investigative detention...,
If i have reasonable suspicion do...
55  cards
5. Frisks
Frisk foundation,
If i have a reasonable suspicion ...,
Can i just use in fear for my to ...
26  cards
6. Police De-escalation and Use of Force
What is the standard under the fo...,
In addition to the us constitutio...,
If de escalation is not feasible ...
36  cards
7. Charging offenders with crimes.
What are the three methods to bri...,
Why is the court more likely to u...,
Arrest warrant venue
27  cards
8. Arrest Jurisdiction And Execution.
Can state college or university p...,
Can a deputy sheriff exercise law...,
May a campus police officer execu...
27  cards
9. Protective Custody
What is alcohol incapacitation,
Disorderly for protective custody...,
Is intoxication and incapacitatio...
57  cards
10. Post-Arrest Procedures
What is the primary purpose of bo...,
What are the three requirements f...,
As the oic may i involuntary tran...
32  cards
11. Constitutional Definition of a Search.
Under what authority do i have to...,
Who has the burden of proof to sh...,
When and only when is a search su...
32  cards
12. Plain View
Is plain view a search,
What is the three prong test for ...,
What is at the heart of plain view
16  cards
13. Obtaining Search Warrants
Who issues search warrants,
Who is authorized to issue a sear...,
Who is not authorized to issue se...
32  cards
14. Executing Search Warrants
If i want to secure a dwelling fo...,
What are the two ways premises ar...,
What if i acquire evidence while ...
38  cards
15. Consent
Why are consent searches allowed,
What are the three essential comp...,
To determine whether the defendan...
23  cards
16. Exigent Circumstances
What are the two types of exigenc...,
Motor vehicle exception,
Exigency in the home
32  cards
17. Search Incident to Arrest
What level of information is need...,
The officers believe that their s...,
No need for formal arrest
35  cards
18. Inventories
Name the two types of inventories,
Reasons why you perform a booking...,
Article 14 and the fourth amendme...
29  cards
19. Checkpoints in Administrative Searches.
Checkpoints are detentions not ba...,
Checkpoints and administrative se...,
Attempts to avoid an administrati...
18  cards
20. Electronic Evidence
Intercepting calls cell phones an...,
Abandoned or lost phones,
Phones seized by police
83  cards
21. Voluntary Statements under the 14th Amendment
The most decisive evidence in a c...,
When a suspect hears and understa...,
When a person is under arrest and...
29  cards
22. Custodial Interrogations
Does miranda apply to every polic...,
When is the only time miranda app...,
What is custody
54  cards
23. Right to Counsel under Article 12
In terms of the right to counsel ...,
When does a violation of article ...,
Police and their agents are the o...
13  cards
24. Right to Counsel & State Action
What is the most frequently litig...,
What are the two constitutional r...,
Which amendment to the us constit...
7  cards
25. Fundamental Fairness
The constitution commands officer...,
Failure to follow the sjc eye wit...,
What should officers obtain prior...
50  cards

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criminal procedure

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