This class was created by Brainscape user Sherilyn Chew. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (21)

Which are the 2 most groups most ...,
4 top poisons causing death in uk,
State whether the following are d...
36  cards
Misc Important Side Effects To Know
Major side effects of bisphosphon...,
Side effects of long term steroid...,
Risks with hrt
3  cards
Basic neurotransmitter and protei...,
Basic neurotransmitter and protei...,
Side effects of non ergot dopamin...
17  cards
Describe grand mal epilepsy,
Describe petit mal epilepsy,
Describe status epilepticus
35  cards
Symptoms of delirium tremens,
How long after last intake of alc...,
Medication for delirium tremens
3  cards
Moa of tcaswhich receptors do tca...,
Side effects of blocking m1 receptor,
Side effects of blocking h1 receptor
11  cards
Hypnotics & Anxiolytics
Side effects of acute bzd use,
Side effects of chronic bzd use,
Contraindications to bzd use
9  cards
Which antipsychotic is used in pt...,
1st line antipsychotic,
Which antipsychotics give extrapy...
17  cards
In what order should diabetes dru...,
Novorapid is a fast long acting i...,
Glargine is a fast long acting in...
27  cards
Heart Failure
Which 3 heart failure drugs impro...,
Acute heart failure management,
What bnp level suggests heart fai...
8  cards
Describe the bp levels for stage ...,
At what age should stage 1 hypert...,
At what age should stage 2 hypert...
17  cards
Pain medications
A patient is on 5mg ir morphine e...,
A patient is on 5mg ir morphine e...,
A patient is on 30mg ir morphine ...
24  cards
Amoxicillin ampicillinclass moawh...,
Flucloxacillin methicillinclass m...,
Piperacillinclass moawhich bacter...
51  cards
High cholesterol
What drugs can lead to increased ...,
What drugs can lead to increased ...,
What food drink can lead to incre...
16  cards
Atrial fibrillation
Common cardiac causes of af,
Most likely cause of af in someon...,
Non cardiac causes of af respi ca...
19  cards
Alcoholinteraction with warfarin,
Carbamazepineinteraction with war...,
Phenytoininteraction with warfarin
9  cards
Hormone replacements
What drug how much to give in adr...,
What drug how much to give in hyp...,
What drug how much to give in gro...
16  cards
Dyspepsia drugs
What does triple therapy for h py...,
What does quadruple therapy for h...,
How do ppis work
8  cards
Name the 3 bulk forming laxatives,
Name the 1 osmotic laxative,
Name the 4 stimulant laxatives
11  cards
Angina, MI
First line investigation in someo...,
First line drug for angina,
What drugs should be given to som...
10  cards
Basics of CPTP
Define zero order kinetics,
Clinical drug development phase 1,
Clinical drug development phase 2
14  cards

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cptp stage 4

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