cpacc accessibility training

This class was created by Brainscape user David Farkas. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Basic Disability Concepts
Recognizable disability,
Hidden disability,
Temporary disability
17  cards
Theoretical Models of Disability
Define the medical model of disab...,
How does the medical model treat ...,
What are key strengths of the med...
21  cards
Types of Disabilities
Define blindness,
Causes of blindess,
How is the legal definition of bl...
66  cards
Disability Statistics
What percentage of the population...,
Why are disability statistics so ...,
How much more prevalent are disab...
18  cards
Disability Etiquette
What is people first language whe...,
True or false disease or effect i...,
True or false it is ok to assume ...
4  cards
Benefits of Accessible Design
How do curb cuts for wheelchair a...,
How do elevators for wheelchair a...,
How do dual height drinking fount...
4  cards
Web Accessibility Principles
Define perceivability,
What is the primary sense for per...,
What is the secondary sense for p...
20  cards
Universal Design for the Web
Define alternative text,
True or false it is ok to rely on...,
True or false you should always u...
16  cards
Universal Design for the Physical World
Define universal design principle...,
Define universal design principle...,
Define universal design principle...
52  cards
Universal Design for Learning
What is universal design learning,
How many primary brain networks a...,
What is the recognition network o...
48  cards
Usability and Accessibility
Define usability,
True or false usability is define...,
True or false usability is define...
10  cards
Myths and Misconceptions About Accessibility
True of false accessibility benef...,
True or false accessible web site...,
What percentage of the population...
9  cards
Accessibility Standards and Laws
What are civil rights laws as it ...,
What is one common example of a c...,
What are procurement laws as it r...
57  cards
Organizational Governance and Management
Which is not a recommendation of ...,
Which is not s phase of the w3c w...,
When was the capability maturity ...
6  cards

More about
cpacc accessibility training

  • Class purpose General learning

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