cpa prep - management accounting

This class was created by Brainscape user Andrew Noade. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

M/A - CVP Analysis
What is cvp analysis,
What are 3 variables that can aff...,
Provide 4 assumptions and limitat...
13  cards
M/A - Pricing Overview & In-depth
Provide the 3 major influences of...,
What are the two categories of pr...,
What are relevant cost pricing de...
12  cards
M/A- Relevant Information for Short Term Decision
What is the four step process for...,
How do managers make decisions,
Why is decision making step 2 4 v...
17  cards
M/A - Costing behaviour and Job costing
What are the three factors that m...,
What makes up prime cost conversi...,
Explain what fixed variable and m...
20  cards
M/A - Costing method
How is processing costing used an...,
What are the similarities and dif...,
What are the processes for each d...
18  cards
M/A - Transfer Pricing Overview & In-depth
What is the objective of the tran...,
What are the two organizational s...,
What are the interpersonal confli...
11  cards
M/A - Quality Control and Process Improvement (Overview & In-depth)
What is the difference between ef...,
What is value added and non value...,
Provide the 3 types of strategic ...
15  cards
M/A - Master and Cash Budget
What is the difference between bu...,
Explain that the strategic proces...,
What are 4 decision framework for...
18  cards
M/A - Budgeting
What are the 4 steps of the decis...,
Explain what the different terms ...,
What is the budget for non for pr...
9  cards
M/A - Variance Analysis
Explain what standard is and what...,
How are standard cost cards used,
What is the difference between pr...
15  cards
MA - Performance Measurement
How is performance measured and p...,
What is needed for the planning p...,
What is the objective for the pla...
17  cards
MA - Balance Scorecard (Overview & In-depth)
Explain what strategic mapping is,
What is the three steps process t...,
Provide three examples of how gen...
9  cards
MA - Design, Acquisition and Development of Information Technology System (Overview & In-depth)
What is an information technology...,
Provide the components of it infr...,
Provide 5 sufficient controls tha...
10  cards
M/A - Data Integrity of Information System
What is the difference between da...,
Explain what data integrity and u...,
Provide the three types of data s...
5  cards

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cpa prep - management accounting

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