This class was created by Brainscape user Racquel T. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

COT Flashcards : History and Documentation
What is not important when docume...,
Which one of the following ocular...,
When evaluating a patient for cat...
6  cards
COT Flashcards : Equipment Maintenance and Repair
1  cards
COT Flashcards : Ophthalmic Imaging
0  cards
COT Flashcards : Photography and Videography
0  cards
COT Flashcards : Contact Lenses
0  cards
COT Flashcards : General Medical Knowledge
0  cards
COT Flashcards : Surgical Assisting
0  cards
COT Flashcards : Ophthalmic Pt. Services and Education
0  cards
COT Flashcards : Supplemental Testing
0  cards
COT Flashcards : Pharmacology
0  cards
COT Flashcards : Microbiology
0  cards
COT Flashcards : Biometry
0  cards
COT Flashcards : Refraction, Retinoscopy and Refinement
0  cards
COT Flashcards : Visual Assessment
A visual acuity of 20 200 obtaine...,
If a patient s visual acuity meas...,
The lines of optotypes are what s...
14  cards
COT Flashcards : Visual Field Testing
The visual field defect in which ...,
Homonymous congruous visual field...,
The normal visual field is determ...
6  cards
COT Flashcards : Pupil Assessment
The purpose of the swinging flash...,
In ordinary room light the diamet...,
A difference in pupil size is ref...
8  cards
COT Flashcards : Tonometry
What is the most significant adva...,
Which procedure is most likely to...,
Which of these ocular conditions ...
8  cards
COT Flashcards : Keratometry
The variance in corneal curvature...,
If the k value of a patient being...,
What is an average corneal curvat...
3  cards
COT Flashcards : Lensometry
0  cards
COT Flashcards : Ocular motility
In the case of a one year old chi...,
The difference between the farthe...,
What is the proper name for an as...
5  cards

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cot flashcards

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