This class was created by Brainscape user Lili Harvey. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (26)

Breakdown of the Grand Alliance 1945 - 47
When and where was the united nat...,
What were the two sections of the un,
What was the job of the security ...
32  cards
Consolidation of the Rival Blocs 1948 - 55
Why were the usa very keen on wes...,
Howdid the usas interest in weste...,
Why did the ussr try to avoid wes...
55  cards
The distracted superpowers 1963 - 72
What 2 reasons were there for the...,
Who wanted detente after the cuba...,
Why did the uss involvement in th...
54  cards
Rise and Fall of 'Detente Era' 1963-84 - Know It!
Name the 4 main causes of detente,
Describe why distracted superpowe...,
Why did fear of nuclear war help ...
53  cards
The road to detente
How was the us in a positive posi...,
What example of soviet arse licki...,
When the soviets queried about ho...
12  cards
Origins of the Cold War to 1945
What is the basis of c,
Define the 2 fundemental marxist ...,
Define capitalism
67  cards
The End of the Cold War
When did the afghan,
What did the ussr fear would be t...,
When did soviet troops occ
47  cards
What was the srebronica,
Who was responsible for the massacre,
How did the un play a part in the...
6  cards
The Prague Spring
When was the pragua spring,
What allowed the prague spring to...,
What did other eastern bloc state...
25  cards
What was the srebrenica massacre,
Who was the massacre directed at ...,
Where did the massacre take place
10  cards
When was the,
Who was involved in the battle of...,
Who was involved in the battle
12  cards
7. The Legacy of the Cold War
What had kept yugoslavia,
After titos death in ____,
The communists in yugoslavia were...
28  cards
4. Second Cold War 1956-62
____ in,
Kuhrushchev made a secret speech ...,
The ____ obtained a copy of the s...
37  cards
5. The Rise and Fall of the Detente Era 1963-84
The period after the cuban missil...,
Us aims for detente were to stabi...,
The ussr and china were both comm...
30  cards
1. Origins of the Cold War
____ is the basis of communism an...,
Capitalism is where,
The bolshevikes seized power in _...
37  cards
2. Breakdown of the Grand Alliance 1945-47
The united nations had been estab...,
It had an assembly of ____ nations,
The ussr were concerned about the
27  cards
Space Race
Date the development
15  cards
Arms Race
Date the development
20  cards
3. Consolidation of Rival Blocs 1948-55
The usa was very keen on western ...,
The us wanted western european in...,
After the failure of agreement ov...
31  cards
6. The End of the Cold War
In ____ ____,
The ussr feared that the impact of,
In ____ ____ the
11  cards
Deck including link to study this pack free if you don't have a pro account
Link to study this pack free if y...
1  cards
Yeltsin's Russia
Who was yeltsin,
Why was yeltsin popular with the ...,
What symbolic action in 1991 mean...
15  cards
When was,
How many died during the seige,
Who was responsible
3  cards
When was the seige of mostar,
What did the two sides target wha...,
Who held the eastern side who hel...
4  cards
War-time conferences
When was the casablanca conference,
Who was and who wasnt at the casa...,
What was decided at casablanca 2
9  cards
Dissolution of the Soviet Union
Hungarywhen was kader replaced by...,
How did the hungarian socialist p...,
In ____ 19__ the hsp won less tha...
29  cards

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cold war

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