cold war(2): cold war crises 1958-70

This class was created by Brainscape user Theo Grant. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (35)

Increased Tensions Over Berlin 1958-61
What two things have happens to b...,
What issues concerning west germa...,
Why did krushchev try to persuade...
4  cards
The Refugee Problem In Berlin
What was going in between 1949 61,
What was one stand out reason for...,
When did the amount of refugees i...
5  cards
Krushchev’s Ultimatum
When did khrushchev issue the ult...,
What did khrushchev accuse the al...,
How did the us react and why
4  cards
Paris Summit, 1960
When was the paris summit due to ...,
What stopped the paris summit fro...,
What did khrushchev demand to hap...
6  cards
Veinna Summit, 1961
Why did the veinna summit take place,
Who attended the summit,
What did khrushchev hope to do
6  cards
Construction Of The Berlin Wall
When did the differences over ber...,
Why did the differences worsen,
What did the east german troops do
6  cards
Impact Of The Berlin Wall For US Soviet Relations
What did the construction of the ...,
What did the usa do,
5  cards
Impact Of The Berlin Wall For Germans
What did the berlin wall do,
How did some overcome the berlin ...,
What did the building of the berl...
5  cards
The End Of The Berlin Crisis
How had khrushchev interpreted th...,
What were some consequences of th...
2  cards
Kennedy’s Visit To Berlin, 1963
What did the wall become symbolic of,
When did kennedy visit berlin,
What did kennedy do during his visit
3  cards
Increased Tensions Over Cuba
What was the crisis caused by,
What are some points on cuba and ...,
What did the usa want with scuba
4  cards
The Cuban Revolution
When was the cuban revolution,
What happens in the revolution,
What did castro want
8  cards
Soviet Relarions With Cuba- Skip To Bay Of Bigs
Why was khrushchev eager to have ...,
What if khrushchev do,
What did khrushchev openly promis...
5  cards
Increased Tensions Over Czechoslovakia
Since 1948 what had czechoslovaki...,
Why was it seen in such a way,
When did this change
3  cards
Novotny’s Fall From Power
Who had been the czech leader,
Why was novotny unpopular,
Who was novotny a follower of
3  cards
Decling Economy
What was the czech economy lookin...,
What did the decline in economy l...,
What did the soviet union do to c...
8  cards
Novotny’s Replacement
When was novotny replaced,
Who was novotny replaced by,
Who supporters dubcek
5  cards
Alexander Dubcek, 1921-92
What did dubcek do in the second ...,
What type of views did dubcek have
2  cards
The Prague Spring Reforms
What does prague spring refer to,
What did the czech call the reforms,
What did dubcek want to do
9  cards
Reactions To The Reforms
What did dubcek s reforms encourage,
How did the soviet union react in...,
What were the reasons for the sov...
4  cards
Other Reasons For The Invasion
What were the soviets worried about,
What happened to brezhnev at the ...,
Who and what did visal bilak do k...
4  cards
Events Of The Invasion Of Czechoslovakia, 1968
What happens in the july of 1978,
What happens on the 3rd of august...,
What happened on the 9 august 1968
5  cards
Re- Establishing Soviet Control
Who invaded czechoslovakia and when,
How did czechoslovakian protestor...,
What did anti soviet broadcasters do
6  cards
The Brezhnev Doctrine
What did the soviets do to make c...,
When and who introduced the brezh...,
Why was the brezhnev doctrine int...
5  cards
Consequences Of Soviet Invasion: Czechoslovakia
What was one notable protest,
What happens to the czech communi...
5  cards
Consequence Of Soviet Invasion: Soviet/ US Relations
What happened to the relations be...,
Were relations heavily affected,
What was the us in the middle of ...
5  cards
Consequence Of The Soviet Invasion: Western Europe
What did western european countri...,
What did communist parties in ita...,
What happened to the european com...
3  cards
Consequence Of The Invasion: Communist Countries
What did the invasion of czechosl...,
What did some communist countries do,
What did yugoslavian and romanian...
4  cards
Bay Of Pigs, April 1961
What did the usa do as a result o...,
What does president eisenhower do...,
What was the aim of eisenhowers s...
7  cards
Reasons The Invasion Failed
What had the cia been convicted of,
What did the cia fail to understand,
Why else did the invasion fail
4  cards
Significance Of The Invasion
Why did the invasion actually hel...,
What did the invasion mean for ke...,
What did the invasion mean for so...
3  cards
Military Build Up In Cuba
What did khrushchev continue to do,
How could khrushchev defend his a...,
When did the dynamic change
3  cards
The Evenrs Of The Cuban Missile Crisis
How does kennedy react,
What were the five options discussed,
As the crisis mounted what milita...
4  cards
The Octobef Crisis
What did kennedy inform khrushche...,
What happens on the 22 october 1962,
What happens on the 24 october 1962
6  cards
The Consequences Of The Crisis
Consequence 1 increased rivalry e...,
Consequence 2 hotline expand on this,
Consequence 3 treaties expand
3  cards

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cold war(2): cold war crises 1958-70

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