This class was created by Brainscape user Kimberley Humlicek. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (12)

Cognitive science
History of Cognitive science
32  cards
Philosophy of Mind
What is the only verifiable data ...,
What idea involves believing you ...,
What types of biological beings c...
48  cards
Mātauranga of Māori Minds
What is putaiao,
What theory is putaiao grounded in,
What does the term pu refer to in...
16  cards
Evolutionary Psychology
What is evolutionary psychology,
What are the two key mechanisms o...,
How does natural selection operat...
16  cards
Functional Neuroanatomy
What is the main function of the ...,
How do the thalamus and cortex in...,
What is the primary role of the a...
16  cards
Human development
What is the interactionist perspe...,
Why is the nature vs nurture ques...,
What did plato argue about innate...
32  cards
Theory of Mind in children
What are the four key things chil...,
What is the interactionist view i...,
What pattern do children follow i...
16  cards
Comparative Psychology
What competing drives influence a...,
How do emotionally salient memori...,
What evidence suggests dogs and h...
16  cards
Neurobiology of mind
What are the basic units of infor...,
How do neurons communicate with e...,
What role does the thalamus play ...
32  cards
Machine Learning
What does a supervised learning m...,
Give two examples of supervised l...,
Why is a test set needed in super...
16  cards
History of AI
Who is credited with designing th...,
What was the name of the first el...,
Who proposed the concept of the u...
16  cards
Baby X
Why is modeling the brain computa...,
What are some challenges in model...,
What is baby x
16  cards

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cogs101 vuw

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