This class was created by Brainscape user Angela Mitchell. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (28)

Humoral Immune Response
List the 5 classes of immunoglobins,
What are the properties and funct...,
What type of receptors on phagocy...
57  cards
Enzyme Deficiencies
What is the causative enzyme for ...,
Which metabolic pathway does phen...,
What is an inborn error of metabo...
105  cards
Obesity & Starvation
Identify the energy components of...,
Define basal metabolism,
List the factors that influence b...
23  cards
Dietary Protein
Summarize the major steps in prot...,
Summarize the major steps in prot...,
Describe the conversion of digest...
48  cards
Cell Adaptation
Define etiology,
Development of disease,
Label or name disease
39  cards
Cell injury & death
List 3 common causes of reversibl...,
What can cause hypoxia,
Differentiate ischemia from hypoxia
33  cards
Cystic Fibrosis
Describe what the 9 variants stud...,
How do the 9 variants differ from...,
Describe the laboratory technique...
13  cards
Nutrition and Antioxidants
Is vitamin e lipid water soluble,
Is vitamin c lipid water soluble,
Define reactive oxygen species ros
57  cards
Viral Structure
How are viruses similar to living...,
How are viruses dissimilar to liv...,
Describe characteristic of dna vi...
57  cards
Major DNA Viruses
Describe the characteristics of p...,
How is parvovirus transmitted,
What is the pathogenesis of parvo...
56  cards
Diseases of Mitochondrial Inheritance
When evaluating a patient for mit...,
When evaluating a patient for mit...,
Before embarking on a mitochondri...
35  cards
Inborn Errors of Metabolism
What are the 5 major clinical pre...,
Infants whose inborn error of met...,
What are some of the classic exam...
27  cards
Major RNA Viruses
What are the 5 general properties...,
What is sense rna,
What is sense rna
107  cards
How are micronutrients categorized,
6 functions of ca,
Absorption of ca promoted by
58  cards
Micronutrients II - Vitamins
What is the function of vitamins,
How many essential vitamins,
What are vitamins typically used for
75  cards
Describe retroviruses,
How do retroviruses replicate,
Which two retrovirus cause disease
44  cards
Pathogenesis of AIDS
How are individuals staged after ...,
Which stage is considered to be aids,
Which two stages have no aids def...
20  cards
What is the trend in diabetes mel...,
What happens with low glucose in ...,
What cells in the pancreas produc...
22  cards
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
What is the cause of duchenne mus...,
What is the clinical manifestatio...,
Describe the therapeutic construc...
14  cards
Case Studies (Buxton/Habal)
What organism causes strep throat,
Which antibiotics are used for th...,
What is the mechanism of action f...
34  cards
Antiviral Drugs
Lo what are the key characteristi...,
Lo what are the major classes of ...,
What are the goals for initiating...
54  cards
Tissue Repair
How is tissue repair defined,
Tissue repair can occur via what ...,
Both mechanism require
57  cards
What are eicosanoids,
What are the biologic functions o...,
What best describes paracrine sig...
39  cards
Mechanism of Inflation
What is inflammation,
What is inflammation usually link...,
What are three different categori...
47  cards
Sepsis and Septic Shock
Define systemic inflammatory resp...,
What is normal wbc,
What is a band cell
10  cards
Medical Mycology
What are the characteristics of f...,
Which agent is associated with me...,
What is the structure of the fungus
74  cards
Which ig plays an important role ...,
Oxidation and hy,
What is required for absorption o...
10  cards
Single Gene Disorders
Polygenic disorders include,
What traits are involved in singl...,
Genetic disorders impact what per...
33  cards

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cmbm 3

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