This class was created by Brainscape user libby blencoe. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

Transcription Initiation in Eukaryotes
What is the other name for rna po...,
After initiation what happens to ...,
What are promoters
46  cards
The Structure and Function of Activators
What does pic stand for,
Name some common sequence elements,
Common uas enhancers are located ...
26  cards
Chromatin and the control of Transcription
What is the basic function of chr...,
What are the small basic protein ...,
What are the two basic types of h...
38  cards
Chromatin remodelling and transcriptional repression
What enzymes are responsible for ...,
What enzymes are responsible for ...,
What enzymes are responsible for ...
48  cards
The NF-kB pathway
Which pathway alls the cell organ...,
What are the environmental change...,
What pathway is set off by p53
55  cards
The HIF pathway
How is hypoxia defined as,
What are the medical relevance of...,
How do cells react to low o2 5
14  cards
The p53 pathway
Describe the structure of p53,
What is the most well known job o...,
What are the other positive outco...
24  cards
processing of mRNA transcripts
What are the two elements added p...,
Are cap,
What are the primary transcript p...
43  cards
RNA editing
What is rna editing,
Where does editing occur,
What are the two classes of editing
36  cards
What occurs in the cleft of trna ...,
What are the positions in mrna wh...,
How is a peptide bond formed duri...
36  cards
RNA degradation
Why is rna degradation important,
Where is casein mrna expressed,
Casein mrna increase
41  cards

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