This class was created by Brainscape user Zach Scicchitano. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (30)

Normal Neonatal
Preterm up to 6 weeks post term,
38 weeks to 40 weeks,
4 weeks to 6 weeks after full term
18  cards
Alternate Medication names
15  cards
Degenerative Diseases
Senile dementiaslow progression,
Hereditarydefect of chromosome 4,
Lack of dopaminemotor system
16  cards
Age-related criteria
What are some eeg changes associa...,
Trace discontinu which appears in...,
What is the recommended minimum l...
11  cards
Medical EEG Terminology
What does the term astatic mean,
Epileptiform discharges that occu...,
What does birds stand for
12  cards
Medications and Treatments
What is the first line treatment ...,
The first line treatment for infa...,
What are antiseziure medication o...
10  cards
Neurological Diseases and Disorders
Which disorder is known for disap...,
When is a lumbar puncture contrai...,
What type of brain tumor often as...
15  cards
Activation Procedures
Why do we activate patients,
How do we activate patients,
Effective in evoking epileptiform...
14  cards
Neuroanatomy/neurophysiology (stack)
The resting membrane potential of...,
Normal cerebral blood flow level ...,
At what level of blood flow do ee...
16  cards
Neuron Anatomy
Individual nerve cells over 25bil...,
Short many or one no myelin grade...,
Nucleus no myelin graded potential
24  cards
Audio-Video Technology
Per acns guideline 12 what is the...,
Per acns guideline 12 what is the...,
Per acns guideline 12 what is the...
8  cards
Neurological Examination
A deficit in one visual field ind...,
According to guideline 12 guideli...,
Loss of pupillary reflexes indicates
14  cards
Broadman Area 1-10
Areas 3 1 2,
Area 4,
Area 5
8  cards
Broadman Area 11-20
Area 11,
Area 12,
Area 13 14
9  cards
Broadman Area 21-30
Area 21,
Area 22,
Area 23
10  cards
Broadman Area 31-40
Area 31,
Area 32,
Area 33
10  cards
Broadman Area 41-52
Area 41 42,
Area 43,
Area 44 45
8  cards
Cortical Zones in Epilepsy
Irritative zone,
Symptomatogenic zone,
Ictal onset zone
7  cards
Critical Care/ICU Monitoring
What are five indications for cri...,
Once an icu critical patient is p...,
What things should be checked by ...
34  cards
Electrographic Correlates
This drug initially produces diff...,
Which of the following is conside...,
What are 2 features of periodic d...
10  cards
Localization of Sensory motor Cortex
What is the recommended analysis ...,
For central sulcus mapping using ...
3  cards
Localization Procedures and Mapping
Magnetoencephalography meg,
Direct cortical stimulation
11  cards
LTM EEG Instrumentation
Acns guidelines for performance s...,
Acns technical specifications rec...,
What is the number of channels ac...
4  cards
Seizure Semiology
Common viscerosensory aura associ...,
Common cognitive phenomena associ...,
An abrupt explosive seizure onset...
31  cards
Waveform Identification
Thenumber one underlying cause of...,
7  cards
Electrodes and Application
With respect to the 10 10 system ...,
Which electrode is medial to t8,
Which electrode is lateral to t8
15  cards
Epilepsy Syndromes and seizure classification
What new seizure term replaces hy...,
Gelastic seizures,
Nonepileptic seizures
18  cards
Infection Control/patient safety
Name 4 essential strategies for i...,
What are the 5 main routes of inf...,
Name 7 recommended seizure precau...
10  cards
Which of the following will see t...,
Acns guidelines for ltm recommend...,
Acns guideline for ltm recommend ...
13  cards
Brain Diseases other than Seizures
Sign or indication of disease,
Group of symptoms characteristic ...,
Medical condition associated with...
54  cards

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  • 6 decks
  • 319 flashcards
  • 29 learners
Decks: Neuroanatomy Terms, Acns Guidelines, Asm Antiseizure Medications Treatments, And more!
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