clinical skills

This class was created by Brainscape user R G. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

By: R G

Decks in this class (13)

What - respiratory
What might you observe in general...,
What is the significance of the p...,
What is tachypnoea bradypnoea
12  cards
What - PVS
What are two main venous systems ...,
What are the two maintypes of ulc...,
What abnormalities can be observe...
11  cards
What - CVS
What is the sifnificance of patie...,
What might you observe on general...,
What are normal values for these ...
15  cards
What - Shoulder
Look at the overall appearance of...,
Feel the glenohumeral acromioclav...,
Feel the greater tuberosity inser...
11  cards
What - Wrist and elbow
Look and compares the overall app...,
What are common causes of swellin...,
What structures attach to the med...
10  cards
What - Hips
Look at the patient s gait and lo...,
What part of the spine is immedia...,
What important structures lie ove...
12  cards
What - Spine
Specifically looks for excessive ...,
2 what is usually the most promin...,
3 what movements are most affecte...
11  cards
What does a normal gait require i...,
What knee deformities may you not...,
What are the four muscles that ma...
12  cards
Foot and ankle
What deformities might you observ...,
Using the vitamind acronym what c...,
What may it mean if a person s sh...
10  cards
Upper limb neuro
What are some types of abnormal i...,
What does tone mean in a neurolog...,
What is the brachial plexus
8  cards
Lower limb neuro
What is being assessed when testi...,
What is a positive romberg test,
What might you observe in the gai...
11  cards
Upper CNs
What part of the skull does cn 1 ...,
What neurological signs might you...,
What does a visual acuity va of 6...
14  cards
Lower CNs
What obvious abnormalities might ...,
What are the three branches of th...,
What is the function of each of t...
15  cards

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clinical skills

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