clinical science and practice i

This class was created by Brainscape user Zaynab Zayarat. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Intrinsic dvt risk factors,
Intrinsic dvt risk factors,
What are the 3 mechanisms involve...
23  cards
How do allergens trigger an immun...,
What does il4 cytokine do when ac...,
What does il5 cytokine do when ac...
13  cards
How does chronic bronchitis limit...,
Clinically definition of chronic ...,
Describe the inflammatory respons...
5  cards
Physiology of coronary artery dis...,
Difference between subendocardial...,
What drug classes are contraindic...
71  cards
GI Week 1
What is achalasia,
What is peptic ulcer disease,
Which risk factors increase the c...
74  cards
GI Week 2
1  cards
Lower MSK Conditions
Which gene is most associated wit...,
Dip joint painpain swelling and s...,
Common presentation of polymyalgi...
26  cards
Lower MSK Anatomy
What are the 4 articulations of t...,
What bones does the bony pelvis c...,
What does greater pelvis do
49  cards
Upper MSK Anatomy
How is glenohumeral joint formed,
What are the 2 main articulations...,
What are the 4 rotator cuff muscles
23  cards
Neurology Conditions
What causes seizures,
What seizures are commons in chil...,
Symptoms of absence seizures in kids
6  cards
Neurology anatomy + physiology
What does cerebellum control,
2  cards
Describe extracranial visual pathway,
Describe the intracranial visual ...,
What is the lateral geniculate nu...
61  cards
What is the function of the the a...,
What is external acoustic meatus,
Tympanic membrane features
34  cards
What is the journey of urine in t...,
2  cards

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clinical science and practice i

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