clinical pathology g

This class was created by Brainscape user Gemma Whyatt. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

Antibacterial agents intro
Define bacteristatic,
Define bactericidal,
Define minimum inhibitory concent...
31  cards
Antibiotic Resistance
What is the antibiotic era,
What is the post antibiotic era,
What does v gre stand for
16  cards
Antiviral agents
Name some acute viral infections,
Name some chronic latent viral in...,
Name some persistent chronic vira...
26  cards
Define symbiosis,
Define mutualism,
Define parasitism
47  cards
What are the two main types of pa...,
What are the 5 main antifungal ta...,
What is ergosterol
34  cards
What is allergy and hypersensitivity,
What are the two immunopathologic...,
What is the immunopathogenesis of...
23  cards
Childhood Viral Infections
What are the classifications of v...,
Which diseases are you requited t...,
When is igm produced
51  cards
What are the advantages of live v...,
What are the disadvantages of liv...,
What are the advantages of inacti...
4  cards
Autoimmune disease
Which three factors contribute to...,
What are some causative associati...,
What is molecular mimicry
9  cards
Autoimmunity diagnosis
What is the definition of sensiti...,
What is the definition of specifi...,
What is a positive predictive value
10  cards
What are the pattern recognition ...,
What are some antimicrobial peptides,
What are the cells involved in th...
18  cards
Define immunomodulation,
What are some possible effects of...,
What are some mechanisms of immun...
40  cards
Infection in the immunocompromised host
What are examples of innate defences,
What are the classifications of i...,
What is the 2nd line of defence
22  cards
MHC and transplantation
Normal individuals have naturally...,
______________ staining has revea...,
Proteins encoded by the mhc are e...
20  cards
Upper Respiratory tract infection
What are some of the normal flora...,
What are some respiratory pathoge...,
What are some examples of transie...
32  cards
Respiratory Pathology
What proportion of children are d...,
What percentage of the uk populat...,
What type of epithelium lines the...
100  cards
Lower respiratory disease
What are the 4 causes of pneumonia,
What are some predisposing factor...,
What are some bacteria that cause...
41  cards
Mycobacterial disease
What are the main characteristics...,
What are the staining characteris...
2  cards
GI Pathology
How long should a normal oesophag...,
What are the two oesophageal sphi...,
What is distinct about the distal...
89  cards
GI Disease
What are the 2 classifications of...,
What are the 3 main types of dive...,
What is diverticulosis of the colon
12  cards
Intra-abdominal infections
Definition of intra abdominal inf...,
Why is the proximal small intesti...,
How many organisms are there norm...
37  cards
Cardiovascular disease 1
What is ischaemic heart disease,
What are the causes of ischaemic ...,
What is the pathogenesis of ischa...
41  cards
Cardiovascular disease 2
0  cards

More about
clinical pathology g

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