clinical knowledge ii

This class was created by Brainscape user Amy Wellock. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

What is important during extracti...,
Why is good communication needed ...,
What does information gathering a...
25  cards
Periodontal Disease
What is periodontal disease,
What are the 4 stages of periodon...,
What is the initial lesion in per...
63  cards
Non-dental Facial Pain
What is a neuropathic episodic pain,
What is a continuous neuropathic ...,
What are some neurovascular types...
16  cards
Paediatric dentistry
What are factors that contribute ...,
What are sound surfaces,
What is the initial stage in cari...
20  cards
What are the two types of complic...,
What is early implant failure,
What is the early implant failure...
32  cards
Biofilm Therapy
What polishing powders are used i...,
What is guided biofilm therapy,
What are the benefits to gbt
4  cards
Manifestations of disease
What determines a caries risk ass...,
What clinical findings place some...,
What parts of a person s social h...
53  cards
What does establishing suitable o...,
What should oral hygiene techniqu...,
How would you carry out ohi
41  cards
Inhalation Sedation
Why would you give ihs,
What are the advantages of inhala...,
What are the disadvantages of ihs
14  cards
Medical Emergency
What are the signs of a faint,
What are the predisposing factors...,
How would you manage a faint
21  cards
Special care: Consent
What are the three main groups in...,
What is involved in the priary ca...,
What are the stages to informed c...
6  cards
Special Care: Young people
What are common hidden disabiliti...,
What are the oro dental effects o...,
How would you manage a person wit...
9  cards
Special care: the middle years
What is seamless care,
What are common conditions in mid...,
What are the physical changes of ...
8  cards
Special Care: Gerodontology
What are the most common neurolog...,
What are the considerations for t...,
Why may a patient who has had a s...
19  cards
Suture removal
What are patient factors affectin...,
When will a sutured wound heal,
How do you remove sutures
3  cards
Duerden's answers
What do you need to find out abou...,
How does geographic tongue present,
What is linea alba
14  cards
Pulp Therapy
What are the symptoms of pulpal i...,
What are the special investigatio...,
What are the indications for pulp...
10  cards
GDC Principles
What is the first gdc principles,
What is the second gdc principle,
What is the third gdc principle
10  cards

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clinical knowledge ii

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