This class was created by Brainscape user Laura R. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (25)

Normal Haematopoiesis
What are the sites of haematopoie...,
What part of the bone marrow crea...,
When do we find stem cells
71  cards
Malignant Haematology
What two categories are white blo...,
Name some myeloid cells and are t...,
Name some lymphoid cells
93  cards
Normal Haemostasis
What are blood coagulation,
Where does the coagulation fibrin...,
What is the first principle of ha...
75  cards
Blood Cell production
What is haematopoiesis,
The cell lifespan are these diffe...,
How long do neutrophils live
55  cards
Blood Transfusion
What are blood components which c...,
What plasma derivatives can be tr...,
Blood donors who can donate
61  cards
Chromosomal Translocations and Leukaemia
What are hsc s,
Where do hsc s emerge from,
In what organs can you find hsc s
68  cards
Clinical Immunology
What are the 4 sources of infection,
What is the immune system,
What can the immune system do
64  cards
Acute Phase Response And Inflammasome
Do pathogens vary in size and lif...,
When is innate immune protection ...,
Where do worms usually go
70  cards
Innate Myeloid and Lymphoid Cells
What are the two types of macroph...,
What do tissue resident macrophag...,
What growth factor do macrophages...
53  cards
Inflammation and Recruitment of Inflammatory Cells
What are the 5 cardinal signs of ...,
Why does inflammation occur,
What cells are involved in the in...
56  cards
T Cell Maturation
When does the maturation of b cel...,
Where do the precursors of t lymp...,
What signals induce expression of...
69  cards
Effector T Cells
How can antigens be recognised by...,
Can you inherit mhc haplotypes,
Gene conversion is not the same a...
85  cards
Tolerance and Autoimmunity
How did we find out about tolerance,
What experiments where done to fi...,
What was the experiment done to s...
39  cards
Pathogenisis and Therapy of Autoimmunity
What are some genetic factors of ...,
Is there a sex bias in autoimmunity,
Why might autoimmunity be higher ...
30  cards
Natural Killer Cells
What are natural killer cells,
How do nk cells kill,
What are nk cells important media...
18  cards
Primary Immunodeficiency (PID)
What happens in normal infections,
What is pid,
Why would you suspect someone has...
51  cards
Hypersensitivity Reactions and Allergic Disease
What is an allergic disease,
What would increase your chances ...,
What is atopic march
28  cards
Describe the normal sytem which p...,
What are the hallmarks of cancer,
How did they discover immune syst...
26  cards
Clinical Advances in Tumour Immunotherapy
Why would you use transplants,
What are the challenges of transp...,
Describe the immune response to t...
32  cards
Immunology Cases
What is the new uk wide scid newb...,
What things would you want to kno...,
What is involved in the different...
4  cards
What is the origins of hiv,
How was hiv discovered,
What group of retroviruses is hiv...
18  cards
Vaccines at the human-animal interface
What is the animal human interfac...,
What is a zoonosis,
Give a breif description of how v...
30  cards
Immunology of Reproduction
What is the clonal selection theory,
What is immunological tolerance,
What two cases clonal expansion d...
36  cards
Autoimmune Rheumatic Diseases
What is a rheumatologist,
What organs can be affected by rh...,
What is vasculitis skin
28  cards
Immunology in Disease Diagnosis
What is test specificity,
What is sensitivity,
What is the standard operating pr...
31  cards

More about
clinical immunology and haematology

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