clinical chem 2

This class was created by Brainscape user Sydney Thomas. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (15)

Intro To Endocrinology
Define hormone,
Describe amine classification of ...,
Describe peptide classification o...
37  cards
week 1 review
Which hormone is not of clinical ...,
What is the difference between a ...,
A patient has signs and symptoms ...
7  cards
adrenal glands
Generally describe the adrenal co...,
Generally describe the adrenal me...,
Where are mineralocorticoids secr...
46  cards
Progesterone levels throughout pr...,
Describe relationship between est...,
Describe plasma volume changes du...
47  cards
thyroid function
What two cells are in the thyroid...,
Describe the follicular thyroid c...,
What hormones are made and secret...
47  cards
week two review
A patient has the following thyro...,
The primary serum test to screen ...,
What is the major carrier protein...
6  cards
exam 1 review jeopardy
The first test performed to asses...,
A common way to see the cellular ...,
If the tsh is decreased and t4 ft...
25  cards
Primary targets for pth,
How does pth impact bone,
How does parathyroid detect lower...
38  cards
cardiac function
43  cards
liver function
What holds the liver in place,
Portal vein blood supply,
Hepatic artery blood supply
43  cards
Define hepatitis,
Most common viral cause of hepatitis,
Symptoms with acute hepatitis
25  cards
renal function (chem version)
Generally describe glomerular dis...,
Describe acute glomerulonephritis,
Chronic glomerulonephritis
20  cards
week 4 review - parathyroid and cardiac
All of the following are effects ...,
Rickets is a deficiency in vitami...,
All of the following are funciton...
8  cards
week 5 review
If the results for serological ma...,
This type of jaundice is associat...,
This is a liver disease character...
8  cards
exam 2 jeopardy
Which of the three troponins do w...,
2  cards

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clinical chem 2

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