This class was created by Brainscape user chaeley boykin. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (19)

genetic disease
What are the three types of gene ...,
What is gene mutation,
What is chromosomal mutation
64  cards
introduction to pathophysiology
What is pathology,
What is a pathologist,
Describe the difference between c...
3  cards
immune system
0  cards
cellular pathology
What is the meaning of pathology,
What is the response of cells who...,
What are some external pressures ...
61  cards
inflammation repair
What is inflammation,
Give a definition for inflamation,
When does inflammation happen
132  cards
bone and joint pathology
How does osteoporosis occur,
The decrease of bone mass seen in...,
The decrease in bone mass often l...
88  cards
Liver, pancreas and gallbladder pathology
What does the liver produce,
What is the purpose of albumin in...,
12  cards
The iasp definition of pian is,
Pain effects how many people,
How many primary care visits have...
33  cards
reproductive male and female
What does infertility mean in a male,
What percent of all couples are i...,
What are some types of male infer...
37  cards
Hematopathology is the study of what,
What is hematopoiesis,
What is hemoglobin
64  cards
nervous syystem
Dementia symptoms will progress o...,
What are the three types of dementia,
What are the causes of dementia
7  cards
0  cards
inflammatory rheumatic disease
What does it mean if the acute re...,
What are some acute inflammatory ...,
What is the initiating force of c...
81  cards
Lymph nodes absorb what type of f...,
Where does the lymphatic system t...,
What is chyle
14  cards
Functional anatomy of the cerebrum
neuroscience exam 3
70  cards
blood supply of the cerebrum
neuro exam 3
8  cards
nutrition role as a physical therapist
nutrition final
11  cards
thalamus, hypothalamus, and pituitary gland
neuro exam 3
20  cards
Active aging
Movement systems 2 final
3  cards

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clin med

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