classic desserts

This class was created by Brainscape user Alianna Grasmeyer. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (20)

Bavarians, Mousses and Gelatin
What is the difference between a ...,
What are the 3 basic components o...,
What is the basic procedure for m...
11  cards
When did charlotte originate and ...,
What was the original charlotte,
Who modified the charlottes to th...
10  cards
Black Forest Cake
What country does black forest ca...,
What are the components of black ...,
What is kirschwasser aka kirsch
11  cards
Dobos Torte
What nationality is the dobos torte,
What are the components of a dobo...,
Who created the dobos torte and when
8  cards
Define custard,
How will a custard made with crea...,
What are the two types of custard
10  cards
Sacher Torte
Who was the original sacher torte...,
Who is the sacher torte named for,
Which two businesses fought over ...
5  cards
Flambe, Baked Alaska, and Cherry Jubilee
What is flambe,
When does flambe originally date ...,
When did modern flambeing begin a...
20  cards
What country is credited with the...,
What are the components of the cl...,
Where does the name trifle come from
11  cards
True or false baklava is claimed ...,
Who does the evidence point to ha...,
What dessert may baklava been a v...
5  cards
What nationality does the classic...,
When did strudel gain popularity,
When does the oldest recipe date ...
10  cards
Gateaux St. Honore
Why is the gateaux st honore not ...,
Where was the gateaux st honore o...,
Who was the gateaux st honore nam...
6  cards
Choux Paste
What is the most important elemen...,
Why is choux paste made from a roux,
What are the key ingredients of t...
5  cards
True or false madeleines are cookies,
What nationality do madeleines co...,
What is a madeleine
14  cards
Quick Breads
What are the 3 quick bread mixing...,
What is the most important elemen...,
What is the biscuit method often ...
9  cards
What ingredients are tougheners i...,
What do tougheners provide for a ...,
What ingredients are tenderizers ...
25  cards
What country does tiramisu come from,
What does tiramisu mean in italian,
What are the components of tiramisu
6  cards
Princess Cake
When did the princess cake originate,
Who is credited with the creation...,
Where did the princess cake origi...
10  cards
What does the name croquembouche ...,
What was the original purpose of ...,
Who invented the modernized croqu...
5  cards
Crepe Suzette
What are the traditional componen...,
What are the two theories behind ...,
Where did henri charpentier work
5  cards
What is poaching,
What liquids can be used for poac...,
What temperature does poaching oc...
8  cards

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classic desserts

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