This class was created by Brainscape user Kathleen Kramer. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

Basic Terms/Privacy Overview
Eu us safe harbor agreement,
Privacy shield,
Binding corporate rules bcrs
35  cards
Structure and Enforcement of US Law
What are the sources of us law,
Is the right to privacy explicit ...,
What is legislation
71  cards
Info Management in US
Data inventory,
Data classification,
Privacy program development
34  cards
Cross-Sector FTC Privacy Protection
What is the federal trade commiss...,
What are the ftc s enforcement po...,
Name three privacy laws the ftc i...
13  cards
The health insurance portability ...,
Who enforces hipaa what are the p...,
Does hipaa preempt stricter state...
19  cards
The fair credit reporting act of ...,
What are the key provisions of th...,
What is the difference between an...
18  cards
Telecommunications and Marketing
He telephone consumer protection ...,
Telemarketing sales rule tsr and ...,
How does the tsr define telemarke...
25  cards
What is ferpa,
What are the four key components ...,
What does notice mean under ferpa
14  cards
Law Enforcement & Civil Litigation
Right to financial privacy act of...,
Bank secrecy act of 1970 bsa,
What are the record retention req...
22  cards
National Security
What are the key components and t...,
What is section 702 of the fisa a...,
What components of fisa changed a...
10  cards
Workplace Privacy
Does the us have an overarching n...,
How does the ftc impact the workp...,
How does the department of labor ...
30  cards
California Consumer Privacy Act
How does the ccpa define a covere...,
Who does not have to follow the ccpa,
Does the ccpa apply to businesses...
13  cards
State Data Security and Breach Notification Laws
How does the federal government l...,
Data destruction
30  cards
What activities fall within the m...,
What activities fall within the m...,
What does gdpr stand for when was...
7  cards

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cipp/us 2.5.1

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