This class was created by Brainscape user Ibrahim El-Mahdy. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (23)

Intro To Neonatology
How to treat pneumothorax,
How do we maintain baby temp,
How do we treat patent ductus art...
11  cards
Respiratory Distress
What is the most common cause of ...,
What causes tt,
What will the chest x ray for tt ...
3  cards
Infant Feeding
Advantages of breast feeding,
How long is breastfeeding recomme...
2  cards
Faltering Growth
How do we find faltering growth,
Main cause,
How to fix
3  cards
Commonest cause,
Why should calculate feed volumes...,
What does bile stained vomit mean
7  cards
Pyloric Stenosis
What is it,
When does it present and in which...,
Clinical features
8  cards
What was the cause in high income...,
Why did rotavirus disappear and w...,
What shigella infection present
10  cards
Chronic Non Specific Diarrhoea
What is the most common cause of ...,
What does the stool have
2  cards
Normal Growth And Assesment
What is the fastest period of growth,
How much influence to eventual he...,
Define faltering growth
6  cards
First sign of female puberty,
First sign of male puberty,
What is early puberty range
7  cards
Short Stature
0  cards
What bmi categorizes obesity,
Obese children are usually above ...,
Children who are obese and have l...
4  cards
Vitamin D And Rickets
Main functions of vit d,
What causes rickets,
Best source of vit d
7  cards
1  cards
Acute Abdominal Pain
What s the most common cause of a...,
Age group for appendicitis,
Symptoms of acute appendicitis
10  cards
Pediatric Emergencies
When is shock present,
Clinical features of shock,
What can cause shock
12  cards
The Febrile Child
What temp classifies a fever in c...,
What is meningitis,
How to confirm meningitis
9  cards
Most common infection of childhood,
Classical feature,
Cause of common cold
11  cards
Clinical evaluation of allergy,
What does a negative ige blood te...,
What do we do if both skin prick ...
6  cards
Liver Disorders
What is biliary atresia,
Presentation of biliary atresia,
What do investigations for biliar...
25  cards
Most common cause of congenital h...,
Clinical features of congenital h...,
Treatment for congenital hypothyr...
6  cards
Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia
What is cah,
Female clinical signs,
Male clinical signs
5  cards
Rheumatic Fever
What type of streptococcal infect...
1  cards

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child medicine

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