child maltreatment

This class was created by Brainscape user Nicol De La Cruz. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (18)

Defining Abuse and Neglect
What are the broad categories of ...,
What is abuse,
What is neglect
11  cards
Methodology: Research Designs and Challenges
What are our sources of information,
What is the best approach to meas...,
What are three research challenges
9  cards
Etiology Models of Child Maltreatment
What is the etiology,
What are the three general etiolo...,
Do any of the three etiological p...
24  cards
Poverty and Community-Level Risk
Where does poverty fit into the e...,
How do you define poverty at an i...,
How do you define poverty at a ne...
23  cards
Neurobiological Stress Response Systems
What is positive stress,
What is tolerable stress,
What is toxic stress
20  cards
Neurobiological Brain Structure and Function
What are structural changes,
What are functional changes,
What does the amygdala for
28  cards
Effects of Maltreatment on Physical Health
What does the ace s survey measured,
What are three allostatic systems,
What is cardiovascular disease
18  cards
Effects of Maltreatment Socio-Emotional Attachment
What is the definition of attachment,
Who is the father of attachment t...,
What are the driving forces behin...
22  cards
Effects of Maltreatment Socio-Emotional: Emotion Regulation and Peers
What are the 6 basic emotions,
How are emotions evolutionary,
What are the three major componen...
31  cards
Effects of Maltreatment : Psychopathology

What is psychopathology,
How can psychopathology be used a...,
What are some possible mediators ...
24  cards
Effects of Maltreatment : Consequences for Society
Why consider economic disparities,
How can we quantify the prevalenc...,
How can we quantify the effects o...
14  cards
Effects of Maltreatment: Resilience
What is developmental psychopatho...,
What is multifinality,
What is resilience
24  cards
Child Welfare System: Reporting and Identification
Why include reporting on the topi...,
What are the requirements of mand...,
What are the professions where yo...
29  cards
Foster Care and Adoption
What factors influence whether a ...,
What are some characteristics of ...,
What is the purpose of this is my...
32  cards
Research Evaluation of Intervention Models
What is evidence based practice ebp,
What are the benefits of evidence...,
What are the challenges of eviden...
17  cards
Community-level Efforts

What was going on in 1989,
What was the problem,
What did the board determine
36  cards
Prevention Through Parenting (part 1)
What is nurse family partnership,
What are the benefits of and,
What is the ecological theory gui...
32  cards
Prevention Through Parenting (part 2)

Which parenting models are preven...,
Which parenting models are treatment,
What is child parent psychotherapy
4  cards

More about
child maltreatment

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