This class was created by Brainscape user Liv Herod. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (11)

3.1.1 Atomic Structure (PAPER 1)
How has model of atomic structure...,
Explain current model of the atom,
Relative charge and relative mass...
45  cards
3.1.2- Amounts of substance (PAPER 1 +2)
What is symbol for nitric acid,
What is symbol for phosphoric acid,
What is symbol for nitrate ion an...
69  cards
3.1.3- Bonding (PAPER 1+2)
What is ionic bonding,
Write the formulas of these ions ...,
Write the formulas of these ions ...
133  cards
3.1.4- Energetics (PAPER 1+2)
What is enthalpy,
What letter is enthalpy represent...,
What happens due to the enthalpy ...
43  cards
3.1.5- Kinetics (PAPER 2)
What is the collision theory,
What is the difference between an...,
What is activation energy
35  cards
3.1.6- Chemical equilibria, Le Chatelier’s principle and Kc (PAPER 1+2)
What makes a reversible reaction ...,
Why is it dynamic equilibrium,
Draw a graph of time x axis again...
30  cards
3.1.7- Oxidation, reduction and redox equations (PAPER 1)
What is oxidation,
What is reduction,
How to remember oxidation and red...
31  cards
3.2.1- Periodicity (PAPER 1)
What is periodicity,
Where are s d p f blocks on the p...,
What was mendeleev s statement
7  cards
3.2.2- Group 2, the alkaline earth metals (PAPER 1)
0  cards
3.3.1- Intro to Organic Chemistry (PAPER 2)
What does iupac stand for,
What is the empirical formula,
What is the molecular formula
48  cards
3.3.2- Alkanes (PAPER 2)
What are alkanes,
What is the general formula for a...,
What are the 3 physical propertie...
23  cards

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chemistry a level aqa

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