This class was created by Brainscape user Isobel Briggs. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (14)

2.1.1 atomic structure and isotopes
What is the relative mass and rel...,
What is the relative mass and rel...,
What is the relative mass and rel...
15  cards
2.1.2 compounds, formulae and equations
What does an ionic equation show,
How does position in the periodic...,
What are the four state symbols u...
12  cards
2.1.3 amount of substance
What is amount of substance and w...,
What is the value of avogadro s c...,
What are the two equations to fin...
16  cards
2.1.4 acids
What is an acid,
What is a base,
What is an alkali
15  cards
2.1.5 redox
What is the oxidation number for ...,
What is the oxidation number of a...,
What is the sum of all the oxidat...
14  cards
4.1.1 basic concepts of organic chemistry
What is the general formula,
What is the empirical formula,
What is the molecular formula
22  cards
4.1.2 alkanes
What is an alkane,
What is the general formula of an...,
What shape of molecule surrounds ...
15  cards
4.1.3 alkenes
What are alkenes,
What is the general formula of al...,
What is the molecule shape around...
28  cards
4.2.1 alcohols
What is the general formula for a...,
What is a primary alcohol,
What is a secondary alcohol
16  cards
4.2.2 haloalkanes
What is a haloalkane,
Why is the carbon halogen bond polar,
What reagents and conditions are ...
13  cards
4.2.3 organic synthesis
Why do we reflux,
What does refluxing involve,
Why do we distil
18  cards
4.2.4 analytical techniques
What is infrared spectroscopy,
What does infrred spectroscopy show,
How does infrared spectroscopy work
8  cards
6.1.3 chromatography and qualitative analysis
What is the test for alkenes and ...,
What is the test for haloalkane a...,
What is the test for phenols
17  cards
6.3.2 spectroscopy
How does nmr,
How does nmr work,
What is carbon 13 nmr
12  cards

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chemistry a level

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