This class was created by Brainscape user Hana Jenkins. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (17)

States of Matter
What is an atom,
What is a molecule,
Describe the states of matter in ...
14  cards
Elements, Compounds and Mixtures
How to classify something as an e...,
What is the difference between th...,
Describe experimental techniques ...
9  cards
Atomic structure
What is the structure of an atom,
What are the relative masses and ...
9  cards
Formulae and equations
What are the chemical symbols for...,
What is meant by chemical formula,
What is empirical formula
7  cards
Gases in Atmosphere
What are the approximate percenta...,
Experiment to determine the perce...,
What is the test for oxygen
7  cards
Introduction to Organic Chemistry
What makes a hydrocarbon a hydroc...,
What is an alkane,
What is an alkene
6  cards
Crude Oil
What is crude oil a mixture of,
How are crude oil fractions separ...,
What are the names of the main fr...
12  cards
How do you name alkanes,
How to classify between substitut...,
What is the general formula for a...
6  cards
Describe catalytic cracking,
Why is cracking necessary,
What is the functional group of a...
7  cards
Reactivity series
How can metals be arranged into a...,
How to tell reactivity from displ...,
What is the reactivity series in ...
7  cards
Extraction and use of metals
Know that most metals are extract...,
Extraction examples,
Comment on metal extraction process
7  cards
Ionic bonding
0  cards
Covalent Bonding
0  cards
Metallic Bonding
0  cards
Rates of Reaction
What is a catalyst,
How does a catalyst speed up a re...,
3  cards
Chemical formulae, equations and calculations
How to calculate relative formula...,
What is a mole,
Understand how to carry out calcu...
5  cards
Acids Bases and Salts
What are the ph numbers for weak ...,
What ions are acids a source of,
What ions are alkalis a source of...
5  cards

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